Unwanted Connections

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Days passed slowly leaving Dru sad and frustrated, for the past 4 days she had been desperately trying to establish a mental link between herself and Jay but for some reason she couldn't do it, this baffled Dru as she'd managed it before she hadn't done it any different this time around; sighing she decided to try again, closing her eyes and concentrating on her mental goal Dru managed to finally establish mental connection but something wasn't right in fact something was dangerously wrong, Dru knew this wasn't Jay she'd connected to this was someone else entirely, someone that knew her just as well as Jay did if not more, in a state of panic Dru attempted to severe the link;"Aww Dru,Dru,why don't you wish to talk to me Huh, we used to enjoy our talks,then you just upped and left" Dru shook her head violently trying desperately to severe the link, she knew exaxtly who she had somehow connected to and his was not the type of mind you want to hang around in;"Bileth,I almost didn't recognise you there, you seem much darker than I remember" Dru knew this wasn't good, Bileth ( Byleth) was one of the darker, stronger demons, he was also One of the 72 Spirits of Solomon,she had to severe the connection with him and fast..
"well Byl it's been a pleasure catching up we'll have to link up again soon but I'm afraid I must go now" with that she started to break the connection "DRU! I'll ALWAYS be with you!" Bileths dark voice echoed all around her leaving an uneasy feeling washing over her, wh what did he mean ALWAYS with me? With that thought she fell into an energy drained slumber

The Death Of Humanity 2:Dru's Hellish Return Where stories live. Discover now