A little bit of Latin with a serving of Sarcasm on the side.

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After helping Kate clear up Dru knew she had to lay her inner turmoil to rest, she knew that to do this she had to speak to her father,after letting Kate and the others know where she was going she quickly flashed herself to her father's realm:

"Pater, Pater venisti?"

"Hic puer ego sum"

"Pater , ego sum ​​ita paenitet"

"Dru , male agis , ut amicum me sicut ambulavit pater tuus .. aliquid tibi molestum est si te scire volo mecum loqui potest .."

"Pater omnia mea culpa, Cassandrae morte tua capi et discruciatum necasset, ultio Succorbenoth Jay adversus eam nescio quomodo ut omne praeteritum vitium .. Pater timeo."

"Dru credas me non reprehendo, quod non a me, et ego in eo, quod totum bet Jay reprehendere non possunt."

"Magna causa faciebat omnia quae habes cor, oportet quod mater tua egregia erga genus placet tibi ut eam pacem invenies requiem"

"Pater ego faxo , te amo"

"Spero autem , fili quoque te amo"

(oopps sorry I did it again, I forgot you whiney mortals don't fully understand or read latin so I guess I'd better do the translation game again, here you go:

"Dad, Dad are you here?"

"I'm here my child"

"Dad, I'm so sorry"

"Dru,whats wrong, I'm your friend as well as your father if something is bothering you.. anything at all I want you to know you can always talk to me.."

"Dad everything is my fault, Cassandra's death, your capture and torture,Succorbenoth's revenge attack on Jay, it's all my fault.. I don't know how to get past it Dad I'm scared."

"Dru, trust me you are not to blame, certainly not by me and I'd bet my entire existence on the fact that Jay doesn't blame you either."

"Everything you did was for a reason you have a big heart,you must get that from your mother and your loyalty to family is outstanding so please find the peace within you to lay it to rest."

"I will father, I promise, I love you"

"I trust you will, I love you too my child.")

Dru left her father's realm returning to loved ones knowing deep down her inner turmoil and pain had been almost lifted, things were finally going to be OK.

The Death Of Humanity 2:Dru's Hellish Return Where stories live. Discover now