Meet Daddy

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After what seemed like an eternity to Jay he was suddenly greeted by Byleth, in his arms were two healthy sleeping baby boys, "Daemon, Draven, I'd like you to meet your daddy" in one swift movement Byleth placed the babies in Jays arms, looking down at them they were perfect, you'd never know just by looking at them that they had mainly demon blood running through their veins;then again you'd never guess that Jay himself or Dru did either just by looking at them. Minutes past before Jay finally spoke,"where's Dru?, is she ok?, only I saw the state the house was is in, there was blood everywhere and I mean literally everywhere." BYleth could not only hear the panic in Jay's voice he could sense it through out his entire deminour,the twins could too, they were squirming in his arms;"She's fine, she lost a fair amount of blood but nothing she or us couldn't handle, she's resting,if you follow me I'll take the three of you to her" he turned and started walking to one of the rooms in the far end of the quarters, ushering Jay to follow him, within moments she was in view,lying peaceful in a lavish bed with a twin size crib next to it, placing his son's in their bed he carefully sat on the bed beside her.
Dru could feel a presence on the bed beside her and she summed together all her will and might to open her eyes, " Jay i I'm sorry about the mess, I i know you didn't particularly want your sons to be born in Hell b but I couldn't reach you, I couldn't reach anybody,i I got scared and panicked so I I came here, p please don't be mad at me" looking up at him he could see that she had not only been crying but she was still visibly upset by the whole event, carefully he scooped her into a tight embrace; " I'm not mad a you, im sorry i was unreachable and wasn't here for the three of you, I know you were in the best hands and besides this is their birth heritage so it's fitting that they should be born here just as their mother was, your dad has said its ok for yourself,Daemon and Draven to stay here and rest for few hours besides it'll give myself and the others time to clean the house up and give the nursery a quick check and then I'll personaly come and collect the theree of you and we'll go home, how's that sound? " he never recieved his answer as Dru had once again fell into a peaceful sleep.

The Death Of Humanity 2:Dru's Hellish Return Where stories live. Discover now