Time to summon Jay

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Hours had past since her heated meeting with Byleth and Dry knew deep down that she needed to fill Jay in, after all Byleth was going to become his father in law whether he liked it or not, sighing Dru looked at her phone,minutes of awkwardly staring at the cellular device in front of her she decided that if she rang him whiles he was down in hell he could ignore the call, with that fresh in her mind she decided to summon him:"Dru? You summoned me, what's wrong with phoning me? Jay asked slightly confused;"If I rang then you may have ignored the call,this way you have no choice but to answer, sorry but it's important" her voice wavered slightly,this alerted Jay that something was clearly disstressing her,before he had chance to speak the had handed him a cold beer "Jay please sit we need to talk" uhoh the 'we need to talk sentence didn't sit right' "Dru, what's happened, I'm sure that whatever it is we can work through it " She looked at him before continuing, "I've recently discovered that my father is Byleth,and I'm fully aware of the hatred between Vetis and Byleth but I kinda need a reconciliation as he is my father, therefore he's your father in law to be not to mention our sons' grandad,and well he wants to meet you" she looked down and her voice trailed off awaiting his response. "that son of a bitch is your father?!, Sheesh drop a family crap bomb why don't you, when exactly does the son of a bitch expect me to meet with him?" she looked sadly at him before answering; "uhm that would be uhm... Now" before Jay had the chance to protest Dru flashed them both to Byleth's realm in Hell.

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