Daemon and Draven

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Within thirty minutes and still nothing from Jay,Dru decided she had to do something,the pain was excruciating to the point it made the torture she personally had thrust upon her a few times feel like a walk in the park; the house now looked like a bloody slaughter house,panicing she did the only thing she could think of, she flashed to Byleths personal quarters;"Dad! I i need your help, preferably Now!" she shouted for as long as her exhausted body would allow her to before slumping over a chair.
Byleth heard the commotion and came to see what was causing it, scanning his quarters his eyes immediately fell on Dru, going to her aid he spoke softly; " What's wrong? Where's Jay?" she looked up slightly as yet another contraction ripped through her exhausted frame, "they're coming, I i tried to both summon and phone Jay b but he's out somewhere on business, I didn't know what else to do, im sorry i can return to the house" she said before attempting to move, Byleth put his hand round her arm "You my dear are in no fit state what so ever to be going anywhere,besides this is your sons' birth heritage not to mention you are in better hands giving birth to demoni offspring here in Hell,so get as comfy as you possibly can and we'll have a look at how far along you are" she couldn't speak she could just about muster the strength to bid in agreement, using what little strength she had she lay down, breathing through the pain that was continually ripping through her. Byleth quickly organised for a nurse to come and check Dru's progress, looking up she simply nodded to Byleth, "Dru, it's time, you need to push for me, take deep breaths and push NOW" the entire quarters were filed with agonising screams and then everything went silent...moments later not one but two ear piercing wails were heard.... Welcome to the world... Daemon and Draven....

The Death Of Humanity 2:Dru's Hellish Return Where stories live. Discover now