Vengeance of the Angels

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Christmas had pleasantly passed as had New Year, it was now 2016 ,which you could say was officially the year of Lucifer given the fact that 666+666+666+6+6+6=2,016 (2016) Dru couldn't help but giggle at this discovery,the tins had grown a fair bit in the month since their birth,they looked more like 5 month old babies rather than just a month and a bit; Jay had explained that their rapod growth rate was due to their mixed demonic heritage and that once they hit the age of 2 it would slow down a bit, speaking of Daemon and Draven they were out enjoying a day with their daddy and uncles so Dru decided to pay Byleth a visit seeing as she last saw him Christmas Eve,not wanting to drop in unannounced she decided to attempt an astral connection with him first.
Dru sat comfortably on the sofa and cleared her mind of everything so as to make a connection "Byleth... Father... Can. You hear me?, I was wondering if you fancied a visit... Please reply" with the message out and the connection active and open Dru waited for a response.
Minutes past and she was about to severe the link when suddenly an unknown voice came through "Dru,your father isn't here right now.. He's leading an alliance against the angels that started a small war against us" Dru listened to what was being said,she was shocked at the revelation of a war between the angels and her father's hell-born army,sighing slightly she spoke "A war, against the angels, why? " there was a slight pause before the unknown voice continued "they apparently want vengeance for one of their own... Somebody called Casandra,apparantly WE are responsible for her demise" Dru gasped at the unknown voices revelation,she knew Cassandra was killed by a HellHound her father (admitidly unbeknown to anyone he was her father) had sent to destroy Dru for breaking some sort of Code of Hell,if anyone should be blamed for Cassandra's demise it should be her, "I i was there when the angel in question died, so why aren't they after me for vengeance?" she asked the unknown voice shakily, "They apparently KNEW Who you were and what you wanted and in true angel showmanship crap they wanted to help you, the beast was your fathers they place full blame on HIM and HIM alone, I'm sorry but it'll be a long time before your father returns... -he let out a dark evil chuckle before finishing-If he returns at all! " before Dru could say anything else the link had been severed leaving her alone with her now mixed thoughts.

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