Friends (Ethan)

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Writer: Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors

Alana's POV:
It was the next day of Science class, and everyone was sitting with there partners and I saw Ethan waiting for me. I walked over to him and I said in a shy low voice are you ready to start this project. But he didn't hear me, he started to talk about all these random things that had nothing to do with my question which was quite funny. So I just listened to him. Then he started to talk about the ideas for the science project. And I said to him that I had some ideas in mind as well. And by the end of the class we had a whole bunch of ideas, we were in front of the class only by one session. And then I said to him that you are the best partner I have ever worked with we make a good team. He replied" yes Alana we really do, and I am so glad to have you as my partner" and as he said that he was gazing in my eyes but then I just pulled back and snapped out of it.

Ethan's POV:
I found it so cute that she said that we make a good team. I think I am falling for her she is so nice, cute, bubbley and so down to earth. That's why she is such a good person to me.

Alana's POV:
I am going to ask Ethan if we can be friends, because he is so funny and is a really nice person. As we finish the class I wanted it to end on a happy note so I said to him" hey Ethan I really like you and I was wondering if we could be friends". And he replied by saying " Yeh sure I wanted to say the same thing but I guess you read my mind" .

Ethan's POV:
I thought it was so nice for her to ask me if we could be friends but sometime in weeks to come or even months we can be more than friends, because I think I have feelings for her but she doesn't know that yet. I want her phone number, so maybe we could hang out some day, so I asked her. Hey! Alana I was wondering if I could have your phone number just In case you want to hang out some day." Ye sure" she replied so we swapped phones and gave each other our phone numbers.

Ethan Dolan// ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now