The journey with (Ethan)

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Writer: Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors

Alana's POV:
Ding ding ding my alarm is going off like crazy, and then I realized it was 9:30 am I quickly rush get my bathers and my sport gear on do my hair etc. And I drive to Ethan's house. ( car drive) Ethan answers the door and says
Ethan: Hey babe you are looking very hot today ( while giving her a kiss and a big hug) well you look hot everyday.
Me: well thank you, you look sexy everyday.
Ethan: Are you ready to go on a journey with me.
Me: For sure.
Ethan: Well let's go.
We start to walk through a forest and then we come to a big mountain and Ethan says
Ethan: We are going to climb this
Me: And I was like, it's a big mountain but anyway let's just do it.

1 hour later...

Ethan's POV:
She actually was really good at climbing that mountain. I am proud of her. I said to her
Me: I am really proud that you walked that mountain with me.
Alana: Thanks babe, I am proud of you to.
Me: oh well I walk with Grayson all the time, so I am used to it.
Alana: Cool, I am so hot.
Me: well the journey isn't over yet.

15 minutes later...

Alana's POV:
We came across a big water fountain and I said
Me: Are we going to swim here.
Ethan: Yes, that's why I told you to wear your bathers.
Me: Well that is really good because I am sweating already.
I take off my sport gear and wear my bathers, then Ethan takes his top off only wearing shorts and I could see his amazing body I was about to faint. We were standing on the edge of a rock together holding hands and we jumped in together. I was amazing, this had to be the best day of my life and not only the best day but with the best boyfriend any girl could ever have.

Ethan's POV:
I leaned in to kiss Alana and she just straight away started kissing me and she said Ethan you don't know how much I love you. This is one of the best relationships I have ever been in I have to say. And I said mine too Alana.

1 hour later ...
Alana's POV:
we went back to my house and hanged out together for a little while and then he left. And I said.
Me: thanks for today, I enjoyed it a lot.
Ethan: Me to Alana.
Me: bye love you.
Ethan: I love you more.

Ethan Dolan// ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now