Moving in together

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Writer: Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors

Alana's POV:
It's been a couple of weeks now, me and Ethan have been so busy with our houses that we are moving out of now but there is some great news. In those couple of weeks me and Ethan have sold out houses, I sold my house to this beautiful couple, and Ethan sold his house to a lovely family, so it's been quite a busy couple weeks for us. But today me and Ethan  are going to be somewhere we have wanted to be in weeks and now the day has finally come. Today me and Ethan+ Daisy are moving in our new home together.  Not only is this a new house for me and Ethan but it is a new place for Daisy to grown up in, and there is a lot of room for her in the backyard so she will love that. And we are both so so exited, OMG! I like can't even wait. It's really early in the morning right now, I have got all my stuff in boxes and furniture stacked at the from door ready to be put on a huge truck that will take all of mine and Ethan's stuff to our new home. I get on my phone and text Ethan saying (Conversation)
Me: Morning babe
Ethan: Good morning, are you all packed and ready for the truck?
Me: Yeh everything is at the front door, how about you?
Ethan: I'm all ready too
Me: What time do you want to come over?
Ethan: I will come over once all the boxes and furniture are taken from the house, just so I make sure everything is gone.
Me: Ok babe, so exited see you soon
Ethan: ha ha can't wait, bye

I hang up and wait for the truck to come.

Half an hour later...

As I am playing with Daisy, I hear something pull up in my front yard I start to wonder what it is and hope it the truck I open the door and what a good guess it is the truck. I go outside and the truck drivers says to me (Conversation)
Steve: Hello Ms my name is Steve and this is my helper James
Me: Hello Steve and James my name is Alana
James: So you probably already know this but we will be loading and unloading the boxes and furniture at your home for you
Me: Ok thank you
Steve: No problem, just pass the boxes first, and then we can get the furniture and strap them down to the truck
Me: Ok

So after we had introduced ourselves, I started to pass the boxes to them and then the furniture. So after the we where nearly all done all the needed to do was strap all the stuff to the truck properly.

10 minutes later...

They strapped all the stuff in, and they where ready to go. Just as the truck drivers left I sore Ethan driving in his car down the street. I guess both trucks left at the same time. He parks the car and says "hop in let's go" and I say "what about my car, and Daisy" and he said " don't worry we will get the car later, bring Daisy" so I got in the car with Daisy on my lap and we drove to the house.

*Car Drive*

We arrive at the house and all we see is trucks and truck drivers taking all the boxes and furniture out of the trucks. We get out of the car and go inside our new home, with only taking one step into the house Ethan turns his head towards me and so do I we both smile at each other thinking to ourselves if this is real or not, and it definitely is. We start to walk around checking that the house is in perfect shape and it is, it is a beautiful home. So after the truck drivers unloaded the truck they started to put all the furniture in the right rooms, so the couch in the living room, desk in the study etc.

20 minutes later...

After that was all done we said goodbye and thank you to the truck drivers and they left. I went out side and put Daisy in the backyard to get used to it, me and Ethan had to leave the house to go get my car at my old house. So we locked the front door and went back to my old house.

*Car Drive*

We arrive at my old house, Ethan pulls over and I get out of the car and shut the door. I unlock my car and get in, me and Ethan drive home together.

*Car Drive*

We are back at our house we park our cars in the garage and go in the house. Ethan says to me "I am glad we did this" and I say "me too" he smiles and says "because if we didn't I don't know how I would live without you" we both look at each other and I lean in for a hug he opens his hands wide and pushes me towards his body giving me a warm loving hug.

Ethan Dolan// ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now