Back in New York

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Writer: Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors

Alana's POV:
It has certainly been a good flight back to New York, me and Ethan are both awake and it is pretty early in the morning so not many people on the plane are up right now well except for me and Ethan I guess. I absolutely love the view of New York, it makes me so happy.

Ethan's POV:
We are nearly ready to land and exit the plane, I am actually looking forward to go home and stay at Alana's house again but I loved every second of that trip especially being with Alana.

A couple minutes later...

Alana's POV:
It's time to get out of the plane so me, Ethan and all of the passengers got out of the plane and we got our luggage. We are at the New York airport and we are ready to go to Ethan's parents house to pick up Daisy, I can't wait to see her I have missed her so much. So me and Ethan found a taxi outside the airport so we both decided to go in. After a few minutes driving we ended up a couple streets down from where Ethan's parents live so we both got out of the taxi and started walking to his parents house with our luggage.

After walking...

Alana's POV:
We are in the drive way of Ethan's parents house and he rings the door bell, and Lisa opens the door and says " hey guys come in". So we went inside and had a good chat together (Conversation)
Lisa: So guys how was vacation?
Me: It's was absolutely amazing, me and Ethan went to cafes, the Eiffel Tower, famous museum, out for dinner together it was great we had a fun time didn't we Ethan.
Ethan: Awww it was great.
Sean: That's good, glad you both enjoyed it.
Me: Hey Lisa, how was Daisy was she a good girl for you both
Lisa: Awww she was a good girl I will get her for you.
Me: Thank you

Lisa went to go get Daisy, and when she got her Daisy's eyes lit up because she was so excited to see me Lisa put her on my lap and I kissed Daisy so many times I couldn't count. Ethan looked at me smiling.

Ethan's POV:
Alana looked so exited to see Daisy.

Alana's POV:
Once we finished our chat and got Daisy we decided to leave, and go to my house so we said goodbye and gave our kisses and hugs. I said "thank you so much Lisa and Sean for taking care of Daisy for us" "no problem" they said. Then Sean said "hey Alana and Ethan do you want me to drop you guys off at your house" and I said "I mean if that's ok with you" and he said "oh don't be silly anytime" I laughed and me and Ethan went in his car and went to my house.

After the car drive...

After driving for a couple of minutes we where at my house me and Ethan said goodnight to Sean and he left. We both went inside and I put Daisy on the ground and she went running to her kennel. Me and Ethan go to my room and I dump my stuff on my bed and we go in the lounge room and talk. (Conversation)
Ethan: I loved this holiday with you, it was the best holiday I have ever been to.
Me: Ethan me to, that is so sweet. Thank you so much I really enjoyed myself.
Ethan: Me to Alana.

He kissed me and I kissed him back. I looked at the clock in my kitchen and realised that it is 11:00 pm I am starting to get really tired I yawned and Ethan sore me he knew that I was so tired but I just didn't tell him. He said "Alana your tired, you should get some sleep" and I said " yeh I know but I want to stay with you to" and he said "Awww Alana that is so cute and I want to stay with you to but I need to go back home and see how Grayson is doing, oh and tomorrow is Valentine's Day so I will definitely see you then"  and I said "ok, I'm looking forward to that oh and also say hi to Grayson for me" and he gave me a big smile and chuckles. He said "well I am going to go, and I will see you tomorrow"  he grabbed me and carried me to my room and tucked me in bed, he gave me a kiss on the fore head and  said "goodnight my little princess" I smile and close my eyes and he quietly went back home.

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