Valentines day with (Ethan)

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Writer: Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors

Ethan's POV:
I wake up grab my phone that's on the bed side table next to me and text Alana saying " good morning babe Happy Valentines Day❤🌹️".

5 minutes later...

As I am in bed checking my social media I hear a text noise from my phone I pick it up and it's Alana she said (Conversation)
Alana:Hey morning, Awww babe Happy Valentines Day to you to💞
Me: Thanks!, how are you?
Alana: Great, I had a really good sleep I think that plane ride really caught up to me.
Me: Ha ha same here. Well I guess I will see you tonight and I know it's a surprise but don't get dressed up.
Alana: Ok cool, can't wait I miss you so much.
Me: Me to babe, cya later love you❤️
Alana: Bye, love you more😘

Alana's POV:
Ha ha I have no idea with what he meant when he said "don't get dressed up" but I wonder what he is up to. I haven't got Ethan's present yet so I decided to call Maddi and ask her if she wanted to come to the mall with me. (Conversation)
*Dialing Number*
Me: Hey Maddi it's Alana I know I haven't seen or talked to you in a while there has just been so much happening.
Maddi: Oh! don't be silly Alana it's fine, and don't worry it's been like that for me too.
Me: Ha ha that's ok well, I was hoping we could go to the mall together I mean well that's if your not doing anything with Kian right now.
Maddi: Yeh! sure we can go Kian is meeting me later so I have time.
Me: ok that's good, I haven't got Ethan's present yet that is why so I wanted to catch up with you as well.
Maddi: That's ok you can call me any day you know that.
Me: Ha ha I know, anyway how is Kian?
Maddi: He is really good actually, yeh we are having some great times with each other.
Me: That's good, actually ummm you wouldn't believe this but yesterday we just came back from Paris.
Maddi: OMG! really how was it?
Me: Maddi I can't tell you how amazing it was. And Ethan was the one that surprised me about going there.
Maddi: That is the best wow you are so lucky. How is Ethan I haven't seen him in a while?
Me: He is great, me and him just hang out a lot you know.
Maddi: Ha ha yeh I get yah!
Me: well I'll see you soon.
Maddi: Do you want to come now or?
Me: Are you busy?
Maddi: No come now
Me: Ok be down there soon cya.
Maddi: Bye

I quickly got dressed and done my hair and slipped on pair of comfy converses, hop
We in the car and drove to Maddi's house.

5 minutes later...

I arrive at Maddi's house and beep the horn *BEEP! BEEP!* she came out of the house all dressed up and ready to go, she got in the car hugged me and we drove to the mall.

3 minutes later...

We arrive at the mall, get out of the car and start to look around for what we can buy Ethan and Kian for Valentine's Day. So we look around and decided to go in a men's cologne store and I found this amazing scented cologne for Ethan and I know that he will absolutely love it, so I bought it. Then we had to see what Maddi can get for Kian so we looked around in the store and sore a really nice cologne for Kian so she decided to buy it. After we got the guys gifts we decided to go to Starbucks and get a coffee and had a little chat about what's been happening in our lives so far.

About 20 minutes later...

We got up and went to the car, to drop Maddi off at her house.

3 minutes later...

I arrive at her house she gets out of the car says (Conversation)
Maddi: Goodbye, have a great time with Ethan tonight.
Me: Ha ha you too, cya.
Maddi: Bye

I drive back to my house and get ready to have a fantastic night with Ethan.

A couple hours later...

As I am sitting on the couch watching tv with Daisy, I hear a knock on the door so I get up walk to the door open it and it is Ethan standing at the front wearing his cute purple sweater, track-pants and a pair of fresh white shoes and holding a red rose and a love heart filled with chocolates in his hands.  I couldn't believe my eyes he looks so adorable, he gave me a big smile and I smiled back. Then he said (Conversation)
Ethan: Happy Valentines Day babe, I love you
Me: Aww thanks babe I love you too, come in

He came inside and we sat down together on the couch he wrapped his hand around my shoulder and gave me the rose and the chocolates and he said "Here Alana these are for you"

He passed them to me and smiled, I smiled back and looked at the rose and put it up against my nose and smelt the beautiful fragrance I looked at Ethan and said "it's beautiful" he smiled and said "open the box" I opened the box and inside was some tasty looking heart chocolates and I said "ha ha they look so good" and he said "eat one" so I took one put it in my mouth and it tasted so delicious and I said to home " they are really good, taste one" he said "ok, thank you" he took one and looked at me while putting it in his mouth and smiled and from what I see I think he likes them. He said "wow they are really good" and I said "I know right, thank you so much this really means a lot to me" then he said " no problem Alana anything for you, I'm glad that you like them". I just remembered that I also had something to give him so I got up and said "just wait here I have something for you" he said "ok" I quickly got the present from the other room and put it behind my back and said "close your eyes" he closed them and smiled in excitement. I said "you can open now" he opened his eyes and I handed his gift to him, he said "Alana you shouldn't have" I said " Ethan are you kidding after all the stuff you have given me you are going to tell you shouldn't have don't be silly" he chuckles. He started to unwrap the present and noticed what it was and said " Aww Alana, I love this and you know that I love to put cologne on" and I said "ha ha yep that why I got it for you" he put the present down and gave me a warm, soft, loving hug that made me feel so safe and he said "thank you so much babe" and I said "your welcome". We sat down together and decided to watch a romantic Valentine's Day movie on Netflix together and it's called the notebook. So before the movie I just we to the kitchen to heat up some popcorn while Ethan is playing with Daisy.... After the popcorn is done I take it out of the microwave and empty it into a bowl, and grab two bottles of water ready to start the movie.

Ethan's POV:
I love what Alana got me for Valentines Day and something I really love about her is that she really understands me and what I love. She made the popcorn and got water for us so we sat down on the couch all cozy with a blanket snuggling up together to watch the movie.

About 2-3 hours later...

The movie is about to end. Alana has still got her eyes glued to the tv, I look at her and she catches my eye I lean towards her lips and start to kiss her causing a make out but she just went with it, she didn't care. After that I turned the movie off and I was going to got home but she said "Ethan can you stay with me tonight" and I said " are you sure you are probably really tired" and she said "no I'm fine, can you just stay here for the night please?" And I thought to myself, anything to make my little princess happy so I said "yes" and she said "yay, I just really want to be with you and it's Valentine's Day anyway so..." And I said "yeh sure! I can stay for you" so we slept on the couch together and before bed I said to Alana "Happy Valentine's Day baby girl" and gave her a kiss on the forehead and she said "Goodnight babe", and pecked me on the lips. Then we both drifted off to sleep.

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