Graduation Day

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Writer: Sorry if there is any spelling mistakes or errors

Alana's POV:
OMG! It is Graduation day today and I can't wait. I am probably going to cry at the end of the ceremony. I get up, do the everyday thing and go to school. I see Ethan waiting for me at my locker and as I walk up to him he gives me this cheeky smile that makes me want to give him a big smooch. (Conversation)
Ethan: Hey, my little princess that I have missed so much
Me: Well you will be glad to know that I have missed you even more.
Me: I lean in and kiss him.
Ethan: Well you sure have proved it to me.
Me: We better get to class now.
Ethan: yeh we should, let's go.
We went to class and our subject for period 1 was maths. And for me that sucked so so much I absolutely hate math, I just can't stand it.

Period 1 ends

Ethan's POV:
Me and Alana finally walk out of Maths class, it was a relief. We sit down at the cafeteria and eat our snack. And then go back inside for period 2and 3,we have Religion and English.

Period 2 and 3 ends

Ethan's POV:
It's lunch time and me and Alana are eating our lunch outside on the grass talking to each other about Graduation tonight and how fast this year has gone. Lunch ends and for our lay subject of the day we have science my favorite subject.

Period 4 ends

Alana's POV:
It's the end of the day and me and Ethan walk out to our cars together.
Ethan: Well I will see you tonight beautiful
Me: ok. Love you/ while blowing a kiss.
I first have to go to the hair dressers, and then I have to go back home to do my makeup and put on my dress then my graduation uniform over the top.

3 hours later......

Alana's POV:
As I am checking that I have done everything. I get a phone call from Amanda saying
Amanda: Hey Alana are you ready for tonight
Me: Yeh nearly, Cya then
Amanda: Cya

Ethan's POV:
As I finish doing everything, I realize that I still have 1 hour left until it starts so I go on my phone and check all my social media like vine, snapchat, Instagram, Twitter etc.

1 hour later

Alana's POV:
It has been 1 hour and it is time to go to school I get in my car and for get that I need to take my camera, so I quickly go back inside and get it. Now of course tonight my parents are going to come and maybe today I will get to meet Ethan's parents to.

Ethan's POV:
Heading out the door on my way to school. I am at school in the hall and I see Alana with her hair all curly and beautiful and with her graduation uniform. And she says to me.
Alana: Well you are looking very handsome today, and it has finally come to that time where we all get older now and move on from school.
Me: Yeh I know but I will never leave you, and nothing will ever break us up.
Alana: I know babe.

Ceremony starts( parents arrived)

Alana's POV:
All I see is people crying and all sad everywhere around me I just want to cry with them. I am so sad that this year has came to an end already, it has just went so quick.

Ethan's POV:
I look at Alana and she gives me this sad face, and then a second later I see at tear coming down her eye but I can tell that she is sad. I want to give her a big cuddle but I can't move from my seat. Later on we take a couple of photos and me and Alana took some selfies which was fun.

Ceremony ends(Party time)

Alana's POV:
All the graduates take off there uniforms, because it is time for the night party. I see Amanda and Maddi sitting down and talking so I walk up to them and sit down with them for a while. We where just talking about all the good memories we had this year, like prom, when Ethan asked me to be his girlfriend, day at the fair, and now graduation, all these memories were all something to cry about.

Ethan's POV:
I look over at Alana and I see how sad she is about the year ending, it was upsetting to see because when I see her sad deep down it is very heartbreaking. And I don't want her to be sad because later in her life she won't be like she is today.

30 minutes...

Ethan's POV:
Everyone is dancing so I walked up to Alana and said may I have this dance my love. She sad yes with absolute laughter which made my heart rise like the sun again. We are on the dance floor, slow dancing with her head on my shoulder.

Party ends

Alana's POV:
Ethan takes me home and he said
Ethan: I had and amazing night with you.
Me: Me too Ethan. I made out with him and then I went inside.
Ethan: Have sweet dreams.
Me: You to babe.

Ethan Dolan// ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now