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Rose stood inside her room near the window and folded her arms as she looked at the vacant piece of land next to her house filled with overgrown bushes and grasses.

The warm beautiful  rays of the evening sun fell on the grass and the little butterflies happily flew around the bushes. She loved the sight, it gave her warmth and happiness.  She loved the nature and gladly accepted all that it could provide. As she looked at the nature in front of her, she made a mental note to visit the nearby church one day. Back in California, when her family was alive, they used to go to the church regularly.

After their death, Rose couldn't gather the courage to step out of her house and go out. But now, she would change herself and come out of the little shell she lived in all these years.

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly feeling the sun's heat on her skin. She turned towards her right and eyed the cardboard box that was yet to be unpacked. She left it there without unpacking it on purpose.
She picked up a scissors that was lying on her table and sat down on the floor next to the box. She pulled it closer to her and traced her hand over the words she had written in black. She had named the box; valuables.

She slowly slid the scissors over the brown tape and cut open the top layer. She removed the flaps of the box and kept her hand on the soft , blue coloured cotton shirt,it was her fathers favourite shirt. She had picked up a few of her familys' favourite clothes before she donated the rest. She pulled out the clothes slowly and kept it on the floor as she got up and made her way towards her wardrobe. She opened it and picked up the clothes from the floor neatly arranging it on the stand where she had made space for her family.

" A small part of them" she thought ,as she stood there with her hand lingering on her fathers shirt.

She shut the wardrobe and sat on the floor once again to empty the box from its contents. She dipped her hands inside and pulled out a small metal box . On the metal box the word "Alexander" was carved in an uneven handwriting with something sharp, and a little heart was drawn next next to it in the same shabby way.

Rose bit her lip and let out a sharp breath. She slowly opened the box, the little box was stuffed with many things. On top of it  was a white handkerchief,more precisely, His handkerchief. She slowly picked it up and smelt it while she shut her eyes , and hoped that she could somehow relive the past, somehow make things right, but his smell faded away and so did he.

"Catch me if you can Alex..." little Rose yelled as she ran all over Alexs' front yard, with him hot on her trail. She had his cookie jar tightly wrapped in between her little hands and her chest. She refused to give it to him since he wasn't paying attention to something she was telling him earlier.

" Rose.....get back here, right now!" Alex shouted back getting frustrated. His cookie jar was his most priced possession. He dint like anyone keeping there hands on it. But, of course this little girl just knew the right way to keep him wrapped around her little finger.

" Will you listen to me from next time Alexyy" she dragged his name and gave him a sweet smile after she stopped running.
Alex frowned at that and nodded his head. He just wanted his cookie jar back.
She handed the jar back to Alex who was standing right in front of her.He looked into her eyes and said,
"Don't you dare do it again Rose, if you ever even lay a finger on my...."
Rose blanked out. She just shut the world around her and payed all her attention to those beautiful green eyes that she loved with all her heart. She looked into those deep dark greens like it was everything she ever had, everything she has ever wanted and everything she will ever....

" Rose!!" Alexander shook her shoulder with his right hand and brought her back from her little dream world that revolved around him, her first love.

"Uhhh, yeah?, what did you say Alex? "

Alex stared at her in utter disbelief and shook his head.
"Never mind. Come inside,mom wants to give you something." He said and turned around as he started walking towards his house. Rose unglued her little feet from the ground and started running behind the boy of her dreams .....
"Ahhh......" she fell down on the grass with with an ear piercing scream. Alex dropped the jar on the ground and ran to where rose had fallen down. He crouched to the ground and examined her little knee which now had a small cut that was bleeding.
" You need to watch your way rose." he said, and removed his handkerchief from his pocket. He looked at her eyes that were filled with tears and wiped them away with his hands.

"Don't cry, I am here" he said, and smiled at her. She sniffed and gave him a small smile. She felt something erupt in her stomach right then and there. She watched him as he tied her knee with his handkerchief and her heart fluttered.He helped her get up from the ground and said,
" You need to stop day dreaming Rose" he said

" I tripped over the stone there lex, I wasn't day dreaming."
She said with a slight frown, but deep down she knew he was right.
He then dropped her back to her house and made his way back to his.

Alexander and Roseanne where neighbours since they were born.
As time passed by, they became thick friends, and for her, he was more than a friend. She could never understand what she felt while Alexander was oblivious to what was happening around him. He was a very silent kid, who did not open up to others . He built huge walls around himself at a very small age , but only one little person could break through them.

Rose eyed the handkerchief on her knee and rushed towards her bathroom. She slowly removed the handkerchief and winced as she washed her wound. She quickly washed the little blood stain on her handkerchief and dried it up. She ironed it stiff and folded it neatly with a huge smile playing on her lips.

She placed the handkerchief on the table and climbed up on her bed to pull out a little metal box on the top shelf. She quickly emptied the contents of the box on her bed and placed the handkerchief neatly inside it. She closed the box and pulled out a ball pin from her bulletin board . In a shabby handwriting she carved the words; "Alexander", with a heart next to it.

Rose clutched the cloth to her chest tightly and had a strained smile on her face. She put the handkerchief back into the box that contained many such things that reminded her about the only boy she had been in love with all throughout her life. He was her childhood sweetheart,her one and only love.

Rose kept the box on the floor and leaned her back onto the foot of the bed and closed her eyes.

" You shouldn't have opened that box Rose."

Was her last thought as she drifted off to oblivion.


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