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Her eyes widened with absolute horror and she immediately sat up with her heart thumping against her chest. She clearly understood that he wasn't exactly talking about entering the room. And deep down, she knew she liked whatever came out of that sexy mouth of his.

"We can talk tomorrow morning. I am tiered now." She said, looking everywhere but him. But he just stood there silently, staring at her without giving any reply. The room was dark, and her windows were open. The faint glow of light outside illuminated the room and she could see one side of him that was obstructing the dim light that came in. As they remained in their positions in that deafening silence listening to each other's breath, she slowly brought her gaze and locked them with his. And as soon as she did that, she felt a sharp tug in her heart when she witnessed him looking at her with intensity, hunger and...longing mixed with immense pain. Instantly she felt guilty for hurting him by throwing those harsh words at him. When they were kids, she used to run behind him, irritate him and do everything possible to gain his attention. But every time she had irritated him, he patiently handled her without yelling or fighting with her. He cared for her like that. He was so calm and patient. As she looked at him now, standing all tall, manly and handsome in front of her, all she could think of was that little neighbour boy of hers whom she fell in love with. She looked at him, slowly and carefully this time, making sure that she wasn't dreaming. Alexander stood rooted in his place and did not move an inch as he kept his unwavering gaze on her. How lucky she was to have him back with her again. The only man she had carried in her heart for an entire lifetime. The small sweet boy from her childhood was now a strong, rough, arrogant, cocky man, and she loved him. She loved him then and she loved him now. She realized that this entire life wouldn't be enough for her to love him completely, because she knew that she would crave for more. She would get greedy when it comes to him. She could somehow feel herself relax as she stared into those eyes for a longer time, and at the same time, she was clearing her head from all other negative thoughts and was becoming clearer with her resolve. She felt safe and she felt home in him. She wouldn't let him go, not now.

A small smile crept on her face when she realised that he hadn't moved an inch and just stood there with his arms folded on his chest as he held her gaze without even blinking. His trademark poker face was on, but she knew the storm inside through those eyes that she had learnt to read since she was a kid. She

"Are we having a staring competition?" she asked, without removing the smile from her face as she eased in his presence. She couldn't stop it; the smile. It was somehow there when he was around. He made her happy, he filled her. Even his thoughts were enough to bring a furious rush of heat on her cheeks and body.

He remained silent and kept looking at her without replying. After a few seconds, he spoke.

"I don't want to blink and realise that all this might just be a fucking wicked dream like the ones I had all these years before you came. I have found you after a long time Rose, I can't lose you. I can't...not now." he said, in a soft voice. And at that moment, Rose witnessed his eyes slightly glaze. He immediately turned to leave the room, but she quickly moved towards the foot of her bed and caught hold of his wrist preventing him from moving any further.

"I won't leave. I could never, and will never. "She said, as she looked up at him through her lashes. She slipped her right hand into his and locked their hands together as she cherished the heat that radiated from his palm to hers. His eyes were shut and he was taking deep breaths to control the whirlwind of emotions that stirred in him. This was the real Alexander; a man with his own insecurities, pain and fear that he kept hidden deep inside him. And for once, he let it all lose in front of her. He let her see him.

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