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It was already a month since Rose started working as an accounts assistant at the company,and she enjoyed every minute of it while she gave her best for her job. The first few weeks were pretty hard and tiring since she was new to the field but Rose was a quick learner. She stayed back late into the night, learnt the major rules and standards that were required and applied it into her work. And whenever she stayed back, Alexander would stay back with her too. No matter how tiring his day was , or how bad his mood would be, all that mattered to him at the end of the day was Rose. Her happiness, her dreams, her goals were all his own. He would stay back in his cabin sorting out and managing the construction business he handled while Rose would come to his cabin and complete her work.

Alexander always found it hard to concentrate when she was around and hence would make advances towards her at every little chance that he would get, but Rose always declined his wicked advances and would push him away telling her famous "not now.", and would run away from him leaving him all hot and bothered . But he would wait for her until she was ready. And the day she was ready, he would show her the entire universe with his god like skills.

It surprised him that he still could not get her to sleep in the same bedroom as him, but this was Rose . She was different from every other woman he had met. She was different since they were kids. A little girl who had held love for a single boy throughout a lifetime.

"Good morning Rosie."called out, the young bubbly receptionist named Brenda.

"Good morning Brenda." Rose greeted her back and walked towards the elevator.

"Hey Rose!" Brenda called out once again.

"Yeah?" Rose said, turning back towards her.

"Can you come here for a minute?"

Rose walked towards the desk and placed her hands on the desk.

"What is it Brenda?"She asked, while watching Brenda bend down to remove a bundle of files.

She placed the files on the desk and pushed them towards Rose.

"Mr. Adam dropped these files here and asked you to submit them to Mr. Alexander. He has some important meeting so he wouldn't be able to do it. He left a few minutes back."

"Ah...alright. These are the reports we prepared yesterday." She said to herself while going through them to check if all the sheets were present.

"Thank you Brenda."

"So how are things between you and Mr. Hot Hunter?" Brenda asked in a teasing tone.

The entire work place knew about Alexander and Rose by now. And the two of them were already used to it. The only difference was that no one dared to ask Alexander about his life with Rose. But Rose used to get a bundle of such questions every day.

Rose smiled and just looked at her,

"Its good with him. It has always been." She said and grinned as she bent her head down.

"So when are you both getting married?"Brenda asked with excitement.

Rose lifted her head and just stared at her with a blank face.

"Uhh...I... he has not asked me to marry him Brenda." She said, and bit her lip still in daze.

"Well, that hot man is going to do that soon. And yes, make me one of your Bridesmaid." She chirped again with excitement.

Rose laughed at that.

"Sure." She said and picked up the files .

"Bye Brenda. I will come down later after completing my work."

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