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Alexander closed one of his important deals and sat on the chair in his office going through various land acquisition papers. Alexander was a paid killer. He was a first class executor who executed people without any remorse. His first murder was at the age of 20,and he just lost count on how many he had killed since then. He was jailed for 3 years after his first murder. He came out, built his own gang and now, he accepts deals for killing people for others. Once he makes a deal, he would make sure that the person is killed within the specified days. He was ruthless, cold and dominant. That's the reason why no one crossed paths with him. He was the king in his line of job. The present deal which he finalised just a few minutes ago, was for an Italian underworld mafia Don named Luca Bascilio. A man was indebted to this Italian Don,  and he had failed to pay back even after several warnings. He would flee from one country to another to escape the debt and this had worn out the patience of the Italian Don. Now he is said to have been residing in North Carolina for the time being. Hence, Luca Bascilio himself had asked Alexander to eliminate this pest, and Alexander had agreed to finish him off within three days.
Apart from this, Alexander was also known for constructing  buildings on vast acres of land, and he owned a chain of restaurants across the city, and a few other countries too.
He would acquire huge acres of land and would expand his restaurants, or else he would build buildings, orphanages or homes for the aged.
No one knew Alexander Hunter the killer, because he did his work silently erasing each and every trace of his victim. But people often knew the business man Alexander.
Alexander was going through all the land acquisition papers and was contemplating to aquire another piece of land for his new trust , he planned on building a home for the orphans.

Jacob, Alexanders' right hand man and his most eminent , sat across the table explaining the land they found out for his their business.

"Boss, we have a location for our next land acquisition. Would you like to go through it?"

Alexander looked up from the pile of other land acquisition papers.

" Well, that's good news, considering the fact that we could get hold of the land soon. Where is it located exactly?"

"It's in the locality , far south.
It's a vast piece of land, with a few houses scattered around it. But there is one problem." Jacob said removing a few photographs from the file he had on the table.

Alexander silently kept listening keenly to his right hands mans' statements.

"And the problem there is this house." He pushed the photographs to Alexanders' side while he kept his finger pointed at the old house that was captured in the photograph.

"There is an old house that rests on that pice of land. It is in the name of a lady named Loren Hart."
Alexander froze hearing the owners last name, and narrowed his eyes at the house in the photohraph.But he knew she wouldn't be here.
He nodded signalling him to continue.

"These are a few pictures of the land. If you approve of it, we'll continue by sending them an order to vacate the house."
He had dealt with a similar case in his previous land acquisitions. There was a house obstructing the land that he had decided to buy, and he had payed the amount they asked for to vacate that place. 
Alexander always got what he wanted and never compromised on his needs.
He inspected the pictures with great concentration as if he would find what he was looking for.

"I want this land. Send the boys to have a talk with the lady. The money is hers."

"Will do boss, anything else?"

"Yes, get that pest tracked. He should be finished within three days. It's Bascilios' deal. Thank you Jacob."

"It will be done sir."

Jacob left to carry out his work.

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