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They stood in silence listening to each others heart beats with their foreheads connected together. Alexander moved his hands from her shoulder to cup her cheeks and that is when they heard that deadly gun shot, and the next second Alexander moved away from Rose, and hunched his back with pain. He held his right hand over his left arm, where he was shot, in a death like grip. He hissed, grunted and clenched his jaw as the pain from the bullet intensified.

"Oh god, Alex." Rose cried out, with shock and fear as she rushed towards him. She kept her hands over his right hand that was covered with blood. He raised his head and looked at her face that was filled with fear as tears kept flowing down her cheeks. Alexander looked towards his left, to the vacant piece of land that was filled with overgrown bushes to find the bastard who had done this. His eyes roamed on the area until he saw some unusual moments in the farthest end of the land,behind the bushes.

His seneses were going wild and his anger was soaring high. He turned towards Rose and found her still clutching his arm and crying as she spoke things to him, that he could not register. For the first time since years, he found the same pain in her that he used to see when they were kids. She loved him. More than ever.

" I want you to get inside and lock the door." He told her as he started making his way towards the steps of her porch. Rose abruptly pulled his right arm and held him tight.

"No alex. No. Please don't go. Please." She pleaded as tears freely fell from her eyes.

"Rose. Pleases try to understand. Get inside the house and shut the door. I will be back." He said pulling his arms away from her grip and walked down the porch towards his car to get hold of his gun. He would shoot down that bastard. The wild beast in him had been provoked and there was no stopping now.

She got down the porch with him and held his hand again.

"I cant. I am scared. I don't want to loose you.. please, Alex. Just come inside." And that made him stop and turn towards her. Fear,love and pain. That is what Alexander saw in her eyes.

He couldn't let the man slip away after attacking him. No one dared to do that.

He saw a hooded man, get up and run away from the bushes, which brought him back to his senses. Rose saw a man getting up and run towards a black van. She could sense Alexander stiffen and move towards his car. The hooded man turned and pointed his gun towards them again. Alexander rushed towards her and wound his arms around her, shielding her from the aim. He bent both of them down and made his way back on her porch and heard the gun shots again. They rushed inside the house and heard a pot on her porch break into pieces the very next second.

He got into the house and locked the door. He stood facing the door for a few seconds and silence took over the room. They could hear the criminal escape. From the sound of his van door being shut to his engine roaring to life as he escaped away from the beast. He never let go of his targets. But today, he was in no position to go behind the criminal when his life was standing behind him, begging him to get inside with her. He would not do anything that would hurt Rose. He would give away his life for her, but only after protecting her until his last breath.

One more thing that was more prominent than everything in that silent room, was her uncontrollable sobs. She could have gotten herself killed by not listening to him. She adamantly followed him towards the car and she brought her life in danger. He clenched his fists and squeezed his eyes shut trying to control his anger. He opened his eyes and let out a breath as he turned towards her. Rose stood there, clutching her dress tightly, with her eyes fixated on the floor, and her back slightly bent. Tears dripped down her face onto the floor and she shook with fear. What she saw now, wouldn't go away from her life anytime soon. It would haunt her forever. She was terrorised.

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