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Rose patiently waited the whole day for Alexander's call, but he never called her like he had promised her in the note.

So to push away time,she helped the maid in the kitchen with whatever help she could do, she watered the plants that were grown outside the house, she picked up all the dried clothes and later started reading a novel while she sat in the hall, waiting for Alexander to return back home.

She was feeling better than yesterday. Like he said, she took good rest and was now fresh and energetic. As time passed by she sunk herself deeper into the novel to distract herself from the fear that started to creep inside her body.

"Where is he?" an impatient voice within her spoke when she lifted her eyes from the book to look at the wall clock. She shut her eyes from the nagging feeling inside her, opened her eyes and started concentrating on reading the book once again. Soon after a few minutes,she heard the sound of a car making its way towards the house. She quickly closed the book , kept it on the table and got up from the couch as she made her way towards the door.

One of the house maids ran towards the door to open it for Alexander like they do everyday.

"Martha.! I will get the door. You can go." She said and smiled at her.

"Sure ma'am" she replied, and walked away towards the kitchen to prepare dinner for the day.

Rose unlocked the latch and opened the door, immediately meeting a pair of tiered green eyes staring back at her. She smiled, as her heart beat accelerated looking at the handsome man infront of her.

"Hi Alex." She said, looking at him, but got no reply from him other than his unwavering stare. She then felt his eyes dip down and stare at her lips. She had applied the red lipstick again. The bruise looked more darker today, and if she had left that without covering it up, he would surely get a doubt.

Alexander stood there without taking his eyes away from her lips. She mistook him. She wanted to hide things from him but she did not know that nothing would go unnoticed by Alexander. He trusted her and he felt hurt and angry when he had to get to know the truth through a freaking camera, than from those lips that were now painted red. He had thought that she had applied them to tease him, but it was now that he came to know, that they were applied to cover up the truth from him.
He would show her not to mess with him again. He would tolerate no such nonsense. Not from the woman he loved. He was already torn from inside when he saw Brian manhandle her and he could do nothing other than to break the screen of the laptop. His jaws automatically clenched when he thought about the events of that morning.

In one long stride, Alexander got into the house and locked the door which made Rose to take a few steps back at his sudden movement. He turned towards her and pulled her by her waist against his body, and in one fluid motion, he crashed his lips onto hers, as he sucked and bit her bottom lip softly. Rose was shocked at the beginning, but later started responding to his kiss and held onto him. Alexander did not deepen the kiss. His main aim was to clear out the lipstick and reveal her , but soon he felt himself loosing the thin line of control that he kept when she caressed his neck in a slow soft circular motion. He pressed her possessively against him and felt her breasts press against his body and that's when the kiss became more hungry and wild.

After a few seconds of the heated lip lock between them, Rose pushed away from him to catch her breath. She kept panting for breath and and placed her hand on his chest, feeling his rapid heart beats as she closed her eyes and smiled. Alexander slowly regained his breath and looked at her now clear lips.

"Why are your lips bruised Rose?" he asked, bringing back that blank expression that he wore when her entered the house.

Rose did not pay attention to his question and just raised her head, still in a state of shock, daze and ...lust. Lust for him. All she wanted to do now was to give herself to him.

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