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Alexander sat in his office going through the recent architectural designs submitted by his architect. These models were samples for the buildings that were to be built on the land surrounding Roseanne's house. He went through each and every design with utmost concentration, absorbing every detail in it. He was going through the fourth design while he sipped his coffee. He scrunched his eyebrows and looked into the sheet with concentration , but it was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" Alexander said , as he kept the paper down on his desk still looking at it and sank back into his chair.

"Boss! The woman has not agreed to sell the house." Said the same man who had gone to Roseanne ordering her to sell away her house.
He stood near the desk and Alexander looked up from the papers.

"Did you tell her the consequences?"

"Yes boss. She doesn't seem to budge for any of it. Not even the money."

Alexander inhaled and said,

"Well then, she will sell it soon, I take what I want, and there will be no change in that."

The man stood near Alexanders desk ready for his boss' next order.

Alexander clenched his jaws and narrowed his eyes.
"Cancel all my appointments for Friday evening. Clear it. I need to have a little chat with this lady there."

"She is not Loren Hart boss, this is her granddaughter who stays there all alone. Her name is . . "

"I will get to know her on my own." He said,cutting him off before he could say the name of the only woman who had the power to bring Alexanders world tumbling down.

"Yes boss, anything else ?"

"Yes, tell Jacob to keep the papers for purchase ready."

"Will do that." He said and walked away shutting the doors of Alexanders' office.

Alexander closed his eyes and sat in his chair for a long time. A woman, would be easy to convince, he thought. He would make her sell the house to him no matter what. Alexander always got what he wanted, and he wouldn't change it now. He had set his eyes on the land and he would take it even if he had to use force.
But little did Alexander know , that the woman from whom he wanted the house from was the one for whom he could give away his life for, he would change himself for her, and only her.

He opened his eyes, pulled open the drawer and removed his unused diary. He then slowly removed her picture from it and kept the diary on his desk. The girl whom he hadn't seen since ten long years. He dint have an idea of how he would recognise her. He dint know how she would recognise him. His heart hurt for her, but somewhere deep down his heart, he knew that she would know him, if not him, his eyes. Rose had always loved his eyes. He kept the photo on his chest and layed back on the chair with his eyes closed and a small smile on his lips.

It was a very hectic Friday for both Brian and Roseanne at work. It was the end of the week and they had to finish all the pending work. Hence, they decided to come back home and then go for their dinner date.

Roseanne was dressed in a black knee length dress, her hair was left loose in its soft natural curls, she looked natural. She only had the mascara and red lipstick on. Rose stood near the photo frames near her hall and looked at her parents photo. She was going on a date with a man for the first time in her life and she desperately wanted her family with her to support her, tell her that he is the right man, she wanted her mother to hold her hand and tell her that everything would work out, that everything would be okay. She wanted her sister the most. She wanted her assurance and support. Tears were threatening to fall out of her eyes.

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