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Later that day, Alexander left his mansion telling that he had some important business to look into, and Rose was left all alone. So to wile away time, she just wandered around the house, observing all the expensive paintings that were hung on the wall. Having no work to do, she decided to head down to the kitchen and see is she could help out the maids with something. Before she could descend the steps that led to the ground floor, she heard someone call out her name from the far end of the corridor.

“Ms .Rose”

Rose turned towards the person and smiled in response.

“Hi Jade.” Rose said, and eyed the room that Jade just came out from; it was his room. With an emotionless face Rose eyed Jade, not wanting her to know the nagging questions that crept into her head. Jade had a dry cloth on her shoulder and a mop in her hand. As if she could read the question running in Roses’ head, she spoke out.

“Martha assigned me this floor. I have to clean it twice in a week, so I started it today.”

Rose smiled slowly and nodded her head at the woman whom she quiet didn’t like for now. She had just joined today and had already started observing Alex in a way the Rose did not like and this did not settle well with her. And like what Rose did today morning, she convinced herself that she’s just over thinking about irrelevant things and pushed this issue out of her thoughts. She might be wrong about her judgements about this lady. What if is she was genuinely good and she was just intimidated by Alexander? And now, Jade was just doing her work so she need not have any reason to feel doubtful about anything.

She let out a long breath and walked towards Jade.

“Can I help you with something?” she asked genuinely, eager to lend a helping hand.

“Oh no no Ms. Rose. You can’t help me. I don’t want to lose my job anytime soon.” She said and chuckled. “It’s a clear order that’s given to me. I can accompany you in your activities or your leisure time  if you would like to have my presence, if not, then that’s fine. If you need anything just let me know. I will complete this work soon and come to you, yeah?” she finished and gave back a small smile

Rose observed again, this time Jade looked more calm, and carefree surely not like how she looked in the morning; frightened and mysterious, like she was hiding something. Maybe she was intimidated my Alexander and his ruthless ways with people. She had observed how the other maids gave frightened expressions when they looked at him. And now when she thought about this she realised that this might have been the reason why she looked so scared when she walked in on them today morning. Rose felt a little peaceful now, somehow being satisfied with her inner thoughts.

“Firstly, do not call me Ms.Rose. Just call me Rose. Yeah? And yes, you can lend me your company. It’s a torture to be alone and not having anyone to actually talk with. We can figure out something fun to do rather than sit at home all day. And to do that you’ve got to clean this whole floor and it’s not quite possible to complete all this soon. So let me help you. Moreover, I don’t have any work either. So we both can finish this off and spend the rest of the day doing something? Yeah? Sounds good to you?” Rose asked

“But I can’t let you...”

“Oh forget that. I am volunteering myself. So if anyone asks you, put it on me. I will handle that.”

Jade looked at this new found lady friend of hers’ and smiled.

“Okay Rose.” She said with a slight hesitation.

“Alright then. Let’s start off. Are you done with Alex’s room?” Rose asked

“Yes. I am done with Mr. Hunter’s room. We can move to the next one now. And thanks a lot Rose. You are very kind.” She smiled looking at Rose with a new found affection. No one in her previous jobs had offered to help her out with the daily chores she had to tend to. But this lady in front of her was different. She observed now that Rose was always eager to help people.

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