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Rose sat in her chair trying to concentrate on scheduling his meetings, but could not concentrate even for a single minute on anything she tried to do. Her mind was filled with him. She tried to push him away from her mind, but couldn't accomplish her goal. She had kept him in her heart for all these years and now, god had brought him back for her. She could not forgive him, at the same time she could not forget him too..He consumed her; every single second, at every single beat of her heart.

Rose was a woman who believed in second chances, but she was scared to grant him a second chance, she was scared to fall for him again, because if she did, she would never be able to get back up.She was scared of him. Scared of his love. She found herself becoming helpless when she looked into his eyes, just like all those years back when she would look into his eyes for hours and still not get tiered of them, when she would look into them and know his pain, when she would look into them and know that he would see her with the same love some day.

And today, she did. She did see love in his eyes, but she was not able to accept them. It was too hard for her to belive that he would stay.

Rose dropped the pen on the table and sighed as she gripped her head with her hands. She shut her eyes and tried to control her emotions.

That morning when he had pulled and plastered her body onto his, she had lost all of her senses, once and for all. She could feel his hard chest and his burning heat seep into her skin through the fabric of their clothes. His hands that held her waist and arms were calloused and heated up that shot sharp waves of heat through her body. She had kept her palms on his chest to bring distance between them, but he pressed her to him even further. She could feel his heart beat at a rapid pace, just like her wild beating heart.

She got lost in those deep green eyes when he held hers with immense intensity. For once, just for once, Roseanne Hart felt a wired feeling of happiness as she looked into his eyes. A feeling that said that everything would be alright from now since he was back, but nothing would be aright. It was all just a feeling and in reality, nothing seemed to be fine for her.

Alexander held her tightly against him, and a feeling of vulnerability crept into his heart when he looked into her eyes. He had waited all these years for her and now she was in his arms, looking at his eyes, like how she used to back when they were kids. He did not know the meaning then, but now he knew. He knew what it was to loose someone who worshipped you every second of their life. And for him it was Rose, Rose had worshipped him, loved him with every fiber in her body and he knew the value now, but it was late. He wanted her to accept him, to take him back, to give him another chance and he wouldn't let her go this time. He would make her his and he wouldn't stop until his last breath.

He looked into her eyes and slowly moved his gaze towards her lips. Her soft pink lips that tempted him every time he looked at them. He gulped and brought his face closer to hers.

They stared into each others eyes and only for that moment, he was her Alex and she was his Rose. They were vulnerable to each other, weak in each others presence and only they could feel it. Only for that moment, he was not the cold, dominating, ruthless Alexander Hunter. He was her soft, warm and caring Alex whom she had grown to love.
He closed his eyes, clenched his jaws and tightened his grip on her trying to save her presence into his soul, trying to make them one while images of their past flashed in front of his eyes; images of him hugging her and taking away all her pain.

Rose observed his beautiful face. Her little Alex had grown into such a handsome man and deep down, she could feel her heart flutter at the sight of his handsome face so close to hers and the feel of being in his arms after so many years where too overwhelming. She did not fight, she did not try to get away from him. She just stood their and let him hold her. She closed her eyes and smiled as she saved this moment in her mind forever. She did not know what tomorrow might bring, but today, she would save the sight of her favourite boy, and the most arrogant man.

She opened her eyes after a few seconds and found his eyes still closed. He looked like he was fighting with his inner emotions, fighting with himself. She moved her eyes to his lips, then to his precisely sculpted nose, his neatly trimmed stubble, the small cut on his thick eyebrows that gave him an intimidating aura and then back to his closed eyes. She memorised him, just like how she had memorised his face back when he had slept in her room that night when his parents fought.

Alexander opened his eyes and those green depths met hers once again. His eyes were glazed and he looked like he was in immense pain.

"I can't live without you Rose." He whispered to her, and gulped down, hard.

"I am sorry. I am sorry for every fucking thing I did. I am a fucked up asshole for leaving you. Just..Please just take me back into your heart. . .I need you Rose." He said in the most vulnerable voice.

He was not scared to show her his real pain, because it was only Rose who knew him in and out. She knew him well, more than his parents, more than himself.

She looked at him and could feel her heart breaking again. Her heart cried with pain and sorrow. She kept her hands on his arms and pushed him away slowly. He loosened his grip on her and dropped his hands on his sides. In that very second, she saw his emotion change; the pain in his eyes were covered and now he had an emotionless mask on.

She blinked her eyes and said, " I stand by my word Alexander. I don't want you to be in my life."

He kept his hard emotionless face and did not show his inner turmoil to her. He shoved his hands into his pocket and once again, the cold, calculating Alexander was back.

"If I can keep you in my arms for a few minutes, then I sure as hell can keep you in my life forever."

"No. ."

"Yes, I will. If you can't give me a place in your heart, then I will invade into it by myself and trust me, there will be many consequences. One of which will be you falling in love with me all over again, very hard."

Rose stood there not able to utter a single word to what he said.

"I will have my way Rose." He said and looked at her with a smirk on his face.

Back. He is back. The jerk. She thought and looked away from him.

She sighed and said, " you can't-"

"You may go now. Schedule my meetings for today and tomorrow." he said ,entering into his all business mode.

She gulped down and turned to towards the door. She did not know what took over her a few minutes back that made her almost believe him and stay in his arms. She felt utterly stupid for trusting that evil jerk.

"Go Rose, unless you want me to kiss the day lights out of you."


Hello my loves:)
How are you all doing?
Thank you for the wonderful support you all provide me with.
This is a pretty short chapter. I wanted to update soon , so here it is.
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Until the next update,

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