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It was 9 in the morning and Rose was getting ready for work in a hurry. She cried herself to sleep the previous night and that had taken a toll on her morning routine.
She tied up her hair in a ponytail with a few stands loose on the side of her face and quickly tucked it behind her ears with a sigh and closed her eyes when she was ready. She had asked Brian to go without her today, and now she had to catch a bus to work.
A lound knock at the door made her jump back with fear and she kept her hand on her chest to calm her rapid beating heart.
She ran towards the front door and opened it without any second thought.
The same suited men from the other day were standing in front of her with an expressionless face. All of them wore crisp black suits like the other day.

"Good morning Miss.Hart" he said, looking at her.

"Good morning. . ." She told hesitantly.
I think I made it clear. . "

"The Boss wants to meet you Miss.Hart. You will have to come with us now."

Roseanne narrowed her eyes and looked at him with her swollen eyes.

"Look mister. I made myself clear the other day that this house will not be sold. There is nothing more to talk. I do not want to meet your boss so you may leave this. . . ."

"Am sorry Miss. But this doesn't work according to your likes and dislikes. He is a very powerful man and he could always remove you out of your house within a snap of his fingers. But he prefers to have a talk with you on this matter. So I suggest you to talk to him about this."

Rose stood there analysing everything without speaking a single word.

"You wouldn't want to face the consequences of neglecting his orders Miss.. So I once again suggest you to come with us."

Perfect Morning ,she thought to herself. She couldn't loose this house . She could not afford to. She will talk to him and convince him to let go of her house . She took a deep breath and looked back towards her tiny hall and turned back to the man.

"Let's go."


Alexander leaned on the front of his table with his arms folded and legs crossed as he patiently waited for his men to bring Rose to him. He was dressed in a navy blue suit that did justice to his well built body and accentured his muscles when his arms were folded.

He sighed and looked at his wrist watch longing to meet her. For the first time in his life, Alexander Hunter felt restlessness, suffocation and a little fear creep into his body. He would reveal himself to her today, after ten long years. This thought alone had his heart beating wildly out of his chest.
He sighed deeply and closed his eyes picturing her beautiful face for the millionth time after he saw her at her house that night.
A small smile appeared on his lips and he could feel himself calm down. He couldn't forget her even after all these years. Their bond was strong and he wouldn't let anything break it. She had given him immense love and he had pushed away back then, but now, he would give it all to her. He would give her all of him. Once and for all, all that he had.

A knock on the door brought Alexander back from his deep thoughts. He scrunched his eyebrows a little and remained fixated to the same position as before.

"Come in."he said, in his authoritative voice. Alexander mastered in controlling his emotions. He never lost the battle that he played with his inner forces. He would always look calm and collected and no one would ever know what Alexander Hunter faced inside. But in front of her, he dint know if he could hide his emotions, his inner turmoil. He was just her Alex . Her old Alex.

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