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Rose sank back into the couch clutching the note tightly while she fisted her hands crumpling it in the process. Fear, anger, pain and a little love was all that she felt at that moment. She put back the crumpled ball of paper on the desk and took the scanned copy of her printed worn out letter. The letter was worn out, the edges torn, and her handwriting almost faded with the years, yet she knew it by heart. She slowly read her words again, the words through which she once opened her heart.

"God.." she whispered once she finished reading it and held it tightly against her chest.

"What's happening with me..what is this.. why is he doing this." She whispered to herself hoping that someone would listen to her pain.

She had loved him so much, to such an extent where she could not get herself to remove him from her soul even after all these years. But he is not the same Alexander anymore, not the same Alex back when they were kids. This Alexander was something else. He was unpredictable, dangerous, mysterious and sinfully handsome. She shut her eyes tightly and kept the paper down. She did not know what to think or feel anymore. Her brain and body felt numb and emotionless. She sank back into her couch and stared at the ceiling before she closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip hard with frustration which only caused her more pain at the side where Brian had bit her a few weeks back. It had not healed completely because he had bit down real hard. She hissed and let go of her lips slowly and sighed as she opened her eyes once again to the loneliness around her.

After a few minutes of silence that was dominated my the sounds of insects outside her house, her phone started ringing and Rose sat up straight at the sudden sound in the silent room. She quickly got up from the couch and made her way towards the table where she had kept her bag. She dug into her bag, pulled out her phone and looked at the unknown caller ID. She walked back towards the couch and sat while she answered the call.

"Hello?" She spoke back as while scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"Hello ? ...who's this?" She asked again when she did not get any reply.

After a few seconds of silence, when Rose decided to cut the call, a deep manly voice spoke back from the other end.


She straightened herself and gulped down the knot that started to form in her throat. She did not dare to speak to the caller and so she stayed silent.

"You have a beautiful voice." He said, after a few minutes of silence.

She gulped again, fisted her hands tightly on her lap and shut her eyes . She did not utter a single word after he started speaking and sharp shivers ran down her spine listening to his deep, manly voice on the phone.
His voice was so close to her ears, almost like an intimate whisper.

"You would have read the letter and note by now, yes?"he asked. And once again Rose did not answer back.

"I would like you to tell your decision when we next meet."

She dint like the way he thought he could meet and enter her life once again. She dint like it even a bit.

"I will not meet you Alexander. I don't want to." She spoke for the first time since he started speaking.

The line went silent for a few seconds and she could hear him take a deep breath before he spoke again.

"Well, that's not going to happen. We will meet and you will be mine no matter what."he said as his voice grew deeper.

"I will not give up. I will wait for you. But you should know that I am not a man with too much patience." He said and received no reply from her.

"Rose?" He said, after a few seconds of thick silence.

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