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Alexander slammed his laptop shut with his right hand, and sank back into his chair with force. He clenched his jaws and stared at the door of his office. He let out a fruatrated sigh and rested his head backwards on the head rest of his chair. He was beginning to get restless, angry, frustrated and distracted because of that one woman who never returned after that fight that happened between them.

Three days. It had been three days since that heart wrenching fight, and Rose had not come back to work from the very next day. He felt weak without her, he felt like he had returned back to those years when they were separated and he yearned to feel her love. He was missing something big, and that was her. He rubbed his right hand over his eyes and clenched his left hand that was bandaged, making the deep cuts hurt and leak more blood. He freed his left palm and looked at the blood blotting the white cloth. He stared back at the ceiling.

Jealous. Alexander hunter was jealous of Brian Stephen. He could not handle listening to her speak about another man in front of him. She had woken up the monster in him when she said that she would fall in love with Brian. He had waited too long for her to let her slip away from his sight. He would never let that happen. If anything had the power to separate him from her, it would be death. She had torn him into pieces when she told that she hated him. He did not want to see hate in her eyes anymore.

Her love was exquisite. Her love was his light, and only she could bring him out of the dark cave he lived in. He was ready to take any pain for her, but all he wanted in return was Rose. He would ask only for her, and nothing else.

"Tomorrow, even if we aren't together, and are two different people from different worlds, I would identify him just by looking at his eyes. I love him so much Alex, that it hurts. I want to be in his life, I don't know what he feels about me. Does he feel the same for me Alex?" .

Her words from the letter echoed inside him. He gulped down feeling the pain seep into his heart.

He took a deep breath and slowly spoke," I feel the same Rose, I feel the same, but much more stronger and painful than before...... I love you." He whispered to the air around him and closed his eyes feeling weak and terrible without her. One woman, had control and power over his life. She controlled his heart even without her presence. She dominated his system and made it hard for him to even take a peaceful breath.

He opened his eyes and straightened himself on his chair. His eyes scanned the table and fell on his car keys. He grabbed them,got up quickly ,and made his way to the parking lot. He got into his car and brought the beast roaring to life. He drove away to his destination with only one thing running in his head. Rose!.


" Why is he still walking alive? " Brian gritted his teeth with frustration as he spoke to the criminal in front of him.

Brain was desperate to get Alexander out of his perfect picture with Rose. He was now like a pest clinging onto the criminal to eliminate Alexander. That morning, instead of heading to work he had decided to meet this paid criminal, to ask him to quicken the execution. The faster Alexander was out, the better chances he had with his love, or rather obsession ,called Rose.

They now stood face to face in an old warehouse, far away from the city limits.

The criminal gave a wicked smirk and looked at Brian. He narrowed his eyes at him and said,

"Who do you think he is? A tiny five year old who could be shot just by your fucking command?" he roared, which made Brian flinch a bit. He had stepped into a dangerous territory and it was too late to back out. He did not have any idea about the havoc this could create in his life and Roses' life too.

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