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Rose sat on the chair near the window and looked at the vacant piece of land next to her house. She loved to observe the long grasses, unwanted shrubs and bushes, and to listen to the sounds of crickets and other small insects that dwelled in there. The place brought an unusual peace and harmony to her ,as she submerged herself in the view of the settting sun's rays that gave the green grass a shade of golden yellow. She took in a deep breath and exhaled it with a small smile on her lips and closed her eyes. The recent week had been going good for her. She had gone with Brian to his office the next day morning after they had dinner together. She met his boss and he had instantly asked her to join and briefed her up with all the work that she was assigned to do. Roseanne started working and it had been just a week since she had started,and she enjoyed it thoroughly . She was in desperate need of a job, and Brian had helped her get this. She made sure that she never made mistakes and took great care of whatever she was assigned to do with care. Everyday morning she used to wake up and get ready for work, she would make herself a bread toast, drink milk and wait in the porch for Brian. He had offered for her to travel with him in his car since they both worked at the same place. But she made a note in mind to buy her own car once she had enough money. They would go to office together, and part their ways once they reached there and would have lunch together. It had become a happy routine for her now, and she did not want anything to disturb this.
Rose opened her eyes, and for once she could feel the taste of a happy, peacefull life. The smile on her lips never seemed to disappear and she glanced at Brians' house through her window, far away ,at the end of the vacant piece of land . She wondered who owned these huge pieces of land on either side of her house. The curtains at his house were drawn and and she could see the faint light that emitted from the television splash onto the curtains. Her smile widened at the sight. He was watching television, she thought. Brian had grown extremely close to her, considering the fact that she liked to maintain distance from the male race since Alexander. He was the last person whom she was close to, and after he broke her, she made it a point to keep distance from men. But Brian, he was different. He was warm, gentle, caring and so much more. The best thing she liked in him was his sense of humour and his charming smile. He never failed to amaze her at every chance he got. Rose was coming back to leading a normal life and she had to thank him for helping her get back. Something had grown in between Rose and Brian, a mutual liking towards each other. Each one could feel it from the other. Brian had asked her out for a dinner date yesterday when he had dropped her home after work. She hesitated and said that she would need time to think about it. He agreed to it with a smile and drove away towards his house. Now, as she sat near her window, looking at his house, she had decided that she would go with him for the dinner he had asked her for. She smiled and made a mental note to let him know her answer when they met.
A loud knock on the door brought back Rose from her thoughts and a frown formed on her face. She wondered who it could be at this time of the day. She looked again at Brians house and saw his televisions light on. So it was not him. She got up from the chair and went to her hall, and towards her door. She unlocked the door and slowly opened it to reveal four suited men. She scrunched her eyebrows and looked at them with confusion. They wore crisp black suits and had their hands folded at their back. The one at the front of her door had a file in his hand and spoke up first.

"Ms.Loren Hart?" He asked looking at Rose with a straight face void of any emotion.

"Umm. . . No, she is my grandmother. She is..." before she could complete her sentence he interrupted her.

"Well then, I have come here to meet her."

"Sorry sir, but she is dead."

"Oh, I am sorry about that."he said
She just shook her head.

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