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"Got you good, didn't I?" she whispered, looking at him with a small wicked smile creeping upon her face.

Even after her statement, he just sat there, frozen. How could she make a joke out of the situation they were in. Alexander was relieved, but he was scared, she terrified him, scared him to death when she said that his eyes were familiar to her. She was a very good actor, he would give her that credit. He just didn't know how to respond to her. He did not know anything. More because, this Roseanne on the bed felt like a different person. Brighter, even though she looked exhausted, more charming, even though the light in her eyes were hazy and more beautiful, even though she was bald with a scar on her head. He just did not know how to respond to her. When he took longer to reply, she placed her palm on his arm, slightly regretting her actions.

"Alex..." immediately after his name left her lips, she saw his eyes fill with tears, and simultaneously tightened her hold on his arm.

She moved her body to the side slowly, feeling needle like stabs in her head. "Hop in big guy." She said, and pulled him towards the bed. He obliged.

Like a little boy, he climbed the bed and rested his body next to hers, but neither did he turn towards her nor did he hold her. He just rested his arms on his chest and stared at the ceiling. Rose turned towards him and observed his beautiful angelic face. How she wanted to hold him and cry, weep at the loss of their unborn child, the events that had occurred, the pain that she went through. But then, when he walked into the hospital room, looking so exhausted and scared, she knew that he was the one that needed more support. Moreover, what is the use of crying over something that has already happened, this was just another scar added to the other scars she had been accumulating since childhood and she decided that she wouldn't let this incident affect her and turn her into a depressed woman. It would do her no good. If God gave her a chance, then she would make every second of her life perfect and she would not let herself dig a hole for herself like she had done before. At least she was not alone now, she had him, and that was all that mattered. And her baby, her baby....

She immediately pushed the thought away and focused on him, zoning in on his tiered face, parched lips, unshaven jaw, big dark circles under his eyes and the side of his dull green pupils.

"Are you shying from me?" she asked, dragging a finger along his left cheek. From the tip of his eye to the tip of his chin. Her head was screaming in pain, her body ached from the position she laid. But nothing could overpower the feeling of having him next to her. And like she had decided, she would make each second worth all the pain and trauma she went through. She wouldn't bait herself to the past.

Not anymore. Not again.

"Face me, love." She whispered, and gently reached towards his right shoulder and urged him to turn towards her. She had almost forgotten how broad his shoulders. It felt like an eternity.

He obliged. Again. Without uttering a single word, but his eyes were close. She took his right hand placed it on her waist. From up close, he looked more tiered than she had ever seen him and it hurt her.

Their noses touched and she playfully pressed her nose against his before she placed her lips on his for a few seconds. She just wanted to feel him. To live again.

"The things I have to do get a kiss. "she sighed, dramatically.

Tears started to seep out of his closed eyelids and her heart broke at the sight. She held him as he curled himself and laid his head on her chest, as if he wanted to stay there and assure himself that she was present with him, alive, with a normally beating heart and not that almost dead and numb Roseanne that hung from his arms as he brought her body to the hospital. She held him, placing her chin on top of his head and running her fingers through his hair, that was dry and knotted.

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