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Rose sat in the conference room arranging all the files and papers in their required order with all the heads of various departments seated around the table chatting with their colleagues as they waited for their boss to arrive. Rose was not much of a person who initiated conversations with people ,but she just lifted her eyes once in a while and smiled at a few people who looked at her. She kept the pile to the side and sat back comfortably on her chair as she eyed the door and looked down at her watch.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. " said a happy voice that she had grown to like.
Her boss, Mr. William Smith walked into the room and everyone in the room stood up as a sign of acknowlgennt and wished him back.

"Please be seated." He said and sat on his chair looking at everyone in the room.

"Morning Mr. Smith " she said, and smiled at him.
Mr.Smith was an old man, he was warm, friendly and caring towards his employees. He was like a father to Rose and Rose couldn't ask for a better employer. She enjoyed working for him and he always made her feel comfortable with his friendly nature.

"Morning Rose. How are you this fine morning?"

"I am good. Thank you." She said and pulled the pile towards his side.

"The papers are ready. What are they for anyway?"

"You'll know in a few minutes."
He said and smiled looking at the neatly arranged bundle.

Rose nodded back in reply.

"Do I have to take down any notes?"

"No Rose, not today." He said, and turned his attention to the awaiting ears of his employees.

"Well , ladies and gentlemen. This meeting is very important for all of us and it would be very close to my heart since it might be the last meeting you would have with me as your CEO."

As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Rose abruptly looked at him with pure shock written all over her face and so did everyone else in the room.

He rested his elbows on the table and intertwined his fingers as he came forward in his seat looking at every single one present in front of him who had unreadable expression on their faces.

"Our company has been going under heavy financial losses from the past three financial years and you all know this very well. This company might shut down leaving a two hundred plus workers without job if this trend continues." He said and looked at everyone in the eye.

"You all have been with me and helped me build up my empire and I would not want to see it tumble down into dust while you all remain unemployed. And so, I decided to sell this company to a person whom I trust the most ."

"What are you saying Mr.Smith" she whispered to him.

"Give my a few minutes Rose.
Two weeks back, a man whom I know very well, in fact, he's like a son to me. He approached me and took up the offer to build this company further on my behalf. He has agreed to it and I was surprised by his sudden interest in this company. Well, I did ask him the reason behind this purchase for which he just smiled and told me that it was for someone very important. And I did not go to question any further."

Rose couldn't belive her ears as she sat there looking at her boss speak. Would she loose her job? Would the new boss be as friendly and caring as Mr. Smith ? Would she be able to work under him without any trouble. A million questions raced through her mind while she sat there trying to process his words.

"I've known him since a few years and there is no other person whom I can trust with this job more than him." He said looking at the confused, shocked faces of his employees.

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