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“Good morning, Martha. Have you seen Jade?” Rose asked, as she sat on the table and filled the empty glass with water to drink. The sleepless night had already taken a toll on her whole system and she felt like she would fall down any minute. Her head, eyes and body hurt and it felt like as if she was being poked by a thousand needles all at once. She came down to have breakfast only once she got informed about Alexander’s departure, until then she remained locked up in her room not wanting to face him.

“Jade has gone to take care of her sick mother, dear. She got a call yesterday informing her about her mother’s illness, so she has gone home. She will return soon, after two to three days maybe. Until then, you have me.” She said, and smiled at Rose, as she slowly observed her swollen eyes and tiered, slumped body with understanding eyes.

“You can always ask me if you want anything. I’ll be in the kitchen if you want me.” She said and looked at Rose intently, eyeing the dark circles below her eyes, but she remained quiet without asking any questions. Information travelled very fast among the maids of the household. She knew that Rose had lost her peace, and also the night’s sleep due to the fight she and Alexander had yesterday. Even Alexander looked the same; tiered, moody and frustrated. He even threw his cup of coffee, shattering the porcelain cup into pieces telling that it tasted bad.

“Breakfast, dear?”

Rose sighed and rubbed her eyes before looking at Martha’s hands as she worked on drying the wet plates. “I don’t want anything for now Martha, not hungry. I’m just concerned about Jade and her mother.”

“She will be fine soon my dear. Don’t worry about them.” Martha said, as she kept the dish that she was wiping onto the table and kept her palm on Rose’s shoulder trying to provide her with the little comfort that she could provide. “I see that you’ve got very close to that girl.” She said and gave Rose a thoughtful smile of a wise lady who has seen the world better than the one sitting in front of her.

Rose looked at her and said,” of course, she’s an amazing girl. Who wouldn’t like her?”

“Never judge a person so soon dear, whether it is for the good or bad. Take your time.”

Rose drew her eyebrows together, evaluating Martha’s words and smiled.

“What makes you say that? Don’t you like her, Martha?”

“No no…it’s not about my likes and dislikes. It’s just that I believe in taking time to judge people. This world has taught me a lot, moreover Old age does this to a person I guess “she chuckled.

“Well, that’s true. I’ll keep that in mind Martha.”

“Alexander asked for you this morning before he left.” She said and picked up another plate a she closely watched Rose’s expression, but she had her eyes shut and head bent. “He asked me to give something to you.” And at that, Rose lifted her head and her eyes looked pleased? , Satisfied?

“Wait for me until I get your present.” She said, and smiled at her before she walked away from the table.

“present.” She whispered to herself.  If he thinks that giving presents would soften my heart, then he is just wrong. She thought to herself.  But the truth was that she had already forgiven him, her heart had already done that, but not her mind. After a few minutes, she watched Martha coming out of her room with a bouquet of flowers; a mixture of fresh, red and white roses. She slowly drew her breath inside and looked at the beautiful flowers that were placed in front of her.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Martha asked looking at her. For which she got no reply back as she watched Rose touch the small envelope on the top. She knew it was time for her to leave and give her some privacy, but before that she wanted to tell her something that she wanted to tell her from the time she saw her depressed at the table.

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