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Rose stood in the middle of the hall, opposite Brian, like a cold, rock hard statue, eyeing each and every movement of the dark sinister man who was analyzing the evidence of her baby in his hands.

He kept smiling at her, eyeing her up and down and finally resting his eyes on her chest, he spoke, "You've become so much more beautiful, Rose." His eyes rested on her face now... "So much more radiant, and fully pregnant." His devilish smile was back again.

In that cold silent room, Rose shivered, listening to his voice, to the heavy rain pelting against the windows and flinched as she heard the sound of a dark dangerous thunder rumble as it left its traces around the house. She noticed him dropping his head down to look at the other test strips on the table.

"You needed so many tests to make sure that you have that bastard's child in you?" he looked at her stomach with a frown on his face.

He dropped the strip on the table carelessly and released a loud sigh, as he shook his head side to side.

"He cheated on you, and you are still with him, ready to marry him and start a family of your own. Who does that, Roseanne? I never knew you were such a dumb woman!" he looked at her, watching her expression change from fear to anger, as she gritted her teeth and fisted her hands.

"You have developed some anger issues I see, easy to rile you up, eh?" he spoke again.

"Come with me Roseanne. I am here for you, once again. Do you know what all I had to do to get back to you? I will protect you, Rose. We can get this baby out of your body soon, washing every trace of him..." those words hit her hard and she yelled back at him before he could finish his damned sentence.

"Get out!"

"Listen to me, Rose" his voice was painfully pleading her as he started to move, walking around the table to get closer to her.

"Stop right there, Brian! I said get out! How dare you come inside my house and talk to me this way.

He stopped in front of her and caught hold of her hands in his. "Shout at me all you want, baby. But please, just listen to me...calm down first..."

"Robert! Robert!" She yelled, trying to remove her hand from his iron grip. She was almost getting hysterical as she felt blood rush to her brain, hitting it almost painfully

He looked at her and smiled once he heard that name. He was pretty sure it was that dead corpse in the car outside the house. She observed how fast he changed his expressions and emotions - so damn sinister.

"It took only one bullet to bring that big man down. It's wonderful what a gun can do..." he whispered and she stopped all her movements once his words sank in. He reached out to one of his pockets and removed his gun and placed it on the table, right next to the test strips.

Her entire body trembled with fear and there was no one to help her out of this house now. She had to get out for her baby. She somehow will find her way out. And when she was strengthening her resolve, trying to not be affected by what he just said, he spoke again, completely breaking her into pieces.

"This was not the only thing I had to do to get closer to you, Rose..." he said, as he came closer to her, so close that their breaths mingled and he smelt of cigarettes and alcohol. " Remember Martha and Jade? I had to slowly eliminate everyone to get closer to many sins all at once. But I don't care love, you are worth every single murder I am compelled to do." By now her eyes were moons, tears formed in them and flowed down her cheeks. Perspiration spread across his forehead and on his upper lips. His drunk, unsteady self found a very sadistic pleasure in watching the tears wet her cheeks. He wanted to kiss her and hold her, never letting go.

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