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"Ma, how do you know when you fall in love with someone?"

Rose asked her mother, while she layed on her stomach on the bed.
Julianna raised her eyebrows in surprise at her little angels' question and smiled.

"Well, what makes my little princess ask this?... Are you...In love deary?" She asked her wiggling her eyebrows.

The innocent heart blushed furiously.

"Uhh nope , I just wanted to know." She said and smiled at her mother. She wanted to know what it was to be in love.

Her mother leaned into the chair and stared out of the window.

"Hmm...well then, you know it's love when you look into his eyes and all that you see is your life through them. When your in love, all you want is for him to be happy,and you would be ready to do anything to bring a smile on his face.. when you hold his hand, your body lights up, and you feel hundreds of butterflies erupt in your stomach, all at once.
You know that your life is in the right hands by the way he holds you. When you find love, your mind will be fully filled with him, he won't leave any space empty. And your heart sweet girl, thats a whole differnt story. Your heart surrenders itself to him to an extent beyond reach, that it starts to hurt even at the sight of your love walking by. You know its love when all you want in life is him.There is no age for love little Rose. Love is eternal. True love is hard to find but everyone has one. It's just the matter of time you meet him. "

Julianna sighed and closed her eyes reliving the days she found her husband. She opened her eyes and eyed her daughter curiously after her speech. She saw her smiling at her happily with joy.


before she could finish her words ,Rose got up and kissed her mother.

"Thanks momma" , she said softly and ran away towards her bedroom locking it behind her.

She leaned herself onto the door and whispered to herself

"It is love. Hunter", she was glowing with happiness , joy and, and love for Alexander. She ran towards her window and peeped through it looking at the house in front of hers . There playing on the lawn with his friends, was the boy whom she had loved all these years, the boy whom she would never leave, the boy for whom she could do anything for. That boy,was her Alexander . She propped her elbows on the window sill and dreamily admired the green eyed angel of her life..

"God, Alex, I love you soo much."
She whispered to herself looking at him and closed her eyes.

At the age of 15 , Roseanne Hart found her love . But little did she know, that the love she found would shatter her heart into a billion pieces.


The warm evening rays of the sun fell on Rose. She looked at the sky and squinted her eyes with a small smile on her lips. She liked the way the nature made her feel. The comfort it provided, and promise that it kept to return to her the next day.

She looked down from the sky and spotted the church, the tall holy structure waited for her as she neared it.
She had met Brian a few days back while he was walking back home, she asked him if he knew any church in the near by vicinity. He had then told her about this church. It was just a few minutes away from her house.

She made her way inside the compound of the church , past the tall gates. The huge doors were opened, and they gave her a view of the Lord at the end of the Isle . She made her way to the huge doors and stood there for a moment scanning the new surrounding .She looked around the place which held so much peace and silence, a deafening silence. She slowly made her way down the isle whilst thinking about her father. Her dear father wouldn't be there to walk her down the isle when she would get married. She helplessly looked at the statue of Jesus and clutched her hands to her chest to control the sob that was ready to break through her. She neared the statue and stood there for some time,looking up at the symbol of peace and harmony. The statue that provided comfort and strength. She took a deep breath and shut her eyes close with nothing on her head. She then opened her eyes, turned back and made her way to the first bench. She sat at the corner shutting her eyes once more taking deep breaths.

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