4. Social Embarrassments

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° Violet °

I was awoken by what began to be subtle knocking turned into massive banging, and "Juliet I need a shower too!"'s. My plan to wake up at 7:30 in the morning had been tarnished when I glanced at the clock to see it was only 6:00 in the morning.

Trying to let myself gently fall back to sleep, the process of screaming, and loud banging returned, making me groan, and lift myself out of bed.

Padding towards to door, I poked my head into the hallway seeing Jessa's head practically plastered onto the bathroom door.

"Juliet!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing throughout the hall.

"Why are you screaming?" I yelled back, the sleep shadowing over my voice, "It's only six"

"I need a shower, and Juliet's been in there for too long" she whined, going back to vigorously thumping on the door.

Huffing a tiny bit of air from my nose, I stomped towards Jessa, and grabbed her hand to keep her from making anymore noise.

"May I repeat, it's only six o'clock in the morning, and I am more than positive that the rest of the student body wants sleep just as much as I do" I smiled cheekily before dragging her away from the bathroom door.

I sat her down at our small round table before swiftly opening our refrigerator to pour her a glass of milk.

"Now have some breakfast, and just wait for Juliet to get out" I sighed, turning back to my room with slight eager to go back to sleep.

"But by the time she gets out it'll be too late for me to take a shower" Jessa explained, having a sip of her cold milk.

"Then just do what I do, and have one in the evening" I simply told her before locking myself back into my room.

The rest of my morning consisted of me having an hour more of sleep, preparing myself an easy breakfast, coming to the conclusion that we are in desperate need to go grocery shopping, and having the slightest ounce of angst to go to science class for the main reason of Ashton.

Ashton. I thought to myself as I walked out the door with Juliet and Jessa.

He was a year older than I was, fifteen, his birthday was in July, and his roommates were a pain. But this was all information I was given in a mere two periods after I had found out he was also in my Journalism class.

The scene replayed in my head, when he all of a sudden sat next to me; 'Violet? Correct?' he asked, and I nodded, although knowing he already knew my name was indeed Violet.

When the bell rang, and school was in session, I went to History with Alicia where she spent the entire time talking about Michael, and I had pretended to listen.

During the rest of the classes I just spent wishing time would go faster so I could go to my next class, only to have the process repeat.

Though Science went with a bore since there wasn't going to be lab work today, but Ashton did try to grab my attention during class by making weird facial gestures whenever Mr. Marty said anything really. Which made me giggle.

When class was over, Ashton grabbed my arm, asking if he wanted to go over homework tonight which I was more than happy to accept.

During Journalism class, Ashton sat next to me on a beanbag whilst I was going through the signup sheet for the school newspaper.

"The newspaper?" he asked, snatching the paperwork from my hands, "You want to sign up for the team?"

"Well, aren't we already inscribed onto the team once you're placed in the class?" I asked, giving him a teasing glare before snatching back the papers.

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