1. Social Gatherings

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° Jessa °

Foreign: A great change or unfamiliarity that typically isn't looked forward to, nor wanted.

Getting ready for every teenager starting high school should be the same, unless you will be attending a boarding school for the first time, and you're freaking out about not dying before the first week. Then I would be very much impressed.

I've heard all these remarkable stories about high school, and love stories, and breaking into song and dance in the middle of lunch. Then there's the despicably realistic stories of it being just the worst experience of your life. Though all in all, I'm hoping for the first option, minus the singing part of the scenario due to the fact that I would rather do anything offered, than sing in front of an audience.

My father called for me through the hallway, insisting my brother was to late to school if I didn't proceed any quicker.

"It's not my fault that Eliot decided not to go to Canvick High because he's too scared to live on his own" I said as I rushed into the kitchen, and reached over to grab a slice of toast from the pile in the middle of the table.

Eliot, glared at me as I giggled taking a bite of what would be my breakfast. (gif)

"Once you realize how fucked high school is, you'll want to break out as fast as you can" my brother replied, getting up, and grabbing his backpack from behind his chair.

"I'm going to Canvick, it's nowhere near as fucked as your shit-hole for a school" I snickered.

"Jessa, language!" our mom exclaimed as she began glaring at me with a cup off coffee in one hand, and a self-help book in the other.

"Wha—you didn't say anything to him" I gestured to my brother, watching as my mother shook her head behind the pages of her book.

I rolled my eyes, seeing Eliot escape with a smile as he had begun to walk out the front door.

"Come on—come on. Let's get a move on" my dad attempted to push us along as I grabbed my bags that sat at the front door.

The main point of me being terrified of going to Canvick High School was that I had never had the opportunity to live on my own, and I continuously though that if I can't keep a small houseplant alive—how am I going to keep myself alive? I suppose would count on my roommates to help with any ounce of survival, but considering that one of my best friends, Juliet, is inevitably to be one of my roommates—I'm giving myself about two days to live. Which was a day and twenty-three hours more than I had originally expected.

"Scared?" my dad asked as I handed him one of my suitcases to be loaded into the back of the car.

"More like terrified" I stifled a laugh.

"High school's a breeze" he began to tell me, "All you need to to surround yourself with the right people"

"Who exactly would be the right people?" I asked, wanting to know if I was already friends with the very bunch.

"You'll find that out for yourself, that's the entirety of evolvement" he winked, going into the drivers seat of the car.

I sighed opening the back door, and hoisting myself into the rather large car, and next the Eliot who was on his cell phone.

As our father began to drive, Eliot spoke up without looking away from his ever si distracting cellphone.

"Please don't act like a Freshman" he told me.

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