22. Social Outbursts

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° Jessa °

The next day was stressful—French homework was never ending for the death of me, and my Sex Ed. teacher nearly exposing Luke and I during class made everything all the worse, and Luke still being angry with me didn't help either.

I could've cancelled on Calum, but I was overall hoping he'd help me transfer into the music program which was my sole reason of still meeting him for dinner—and I was going to try as hard as I could manage to let him know that we weren't on a date.

"I perform at L'Antiquité every Friday and Sunday—if I get the chance to—and I try to sign up for as many school performances as possible" Calum began to explain, and I admired his heavy passion for the art, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for some of them?"

I widened my eyes, "Performing live? I–I don't think I can do that Cal—"

"Jessa, I know it's scary at first, but I promise you, once you get over that stage fright—you'll love it. It's just a rush–" he tried to comfort me, "–and I'll gladly be the reason for that" he smiled snidely.

I playfully rolled my eyes, picking at the pasta on my plate with my fork, "I suppose that could be true"

"So you'll do it?" Calum asked in excitement, leaning forward on the table.

"I'll try, but no promises" I told him, seeing his face beam in excitement, "But hey, I was wondering if you could maybe help me transfer out of my Art class, and into your music class" I began to tell him, "Perhaps give in a good word to your teacher, or something?"

Calum smiled, "I sure can" he told me, and I bit my bottom lip in new ecstasy.

Moments later we left back to campus, walking in the cold autumn air, and I could hear our shoes scratching against the pavement as we did so.

We finally agreed to sit on a nearby bench by the school, continuing to talk about music, and such.

"Thank you, for everything" I said to him, "If it weren't for Alicia's help, and your determination, I would've still been stuck in that art class" I laughed.

"No problem, I love showing people what good music can do" he said to me.

Calum began to lean forward in attempts to bring his lips to mine, and my body went into a panic as I leaned back in the other direction, "Cal" I muttered out, bringing a hand to his shoulder to stop him, "I'm sorry, it's just—"

"You're not interested" Calum inferred in disappointment.

"No! No—no it's not that. I just have—um—you know—a boyfriend" I mumbled out, pursing my lips as if it was going to help.

Calum's features relaxed in realization, "He's a lucky guy then, hope he knows that" he told me.

I smiled in return, parting my lips to say something else before I was interrupted by an all too familiar voice.

"Are we having a good night?" Luke asked us, before sitting himself next to me, and my glare on him intensified.

"We were" I told him, faking a smile to his direction.

"Y–your tutor's here" Calum said to me with confusion in his tone.

"Yes, unfortunately" I said with a sigh, "I don't quite know what he's doing, following me here" I glared at him.

Luke flashed an annoyed smile before speaking; "Oh, I was just sent to check on you" he told me, "Someone told me your—special someone was getting worried" he stressed the words, as if to subtly tell Calum to back away.

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