3. Social Classes

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° Jessa °

I wasn't able to catch up with Juliet, Violet, and Alicia but due to the fact we all had the same class together, I wasn't very worried.

On the schedule I was given, the next class was titled SE which I had no idea what stood for, but I had figured since I knew where it was located, that I'd have no problem.

Hearing the second bell ring, signifying I was more than just late to class, I began to rush down the hallway. Reaching the room number, I vigorously knocked, and hoped I would be let in.

Thankfully, seconds later the door opened, to which I let myself in.

I looked up from the ground, having my eyes widen at the sight of dioramas, and posters, of body parts I didn't want to see this early in the morning.

"What the—" I whispered to myself in shock, looking down at my schedule again to make sure I was in the right classroom.

"Is there a reason you're late?" a young woman's voice caught my attention.

"Oh—I—no. Not really" I admitted, "I just think I have the wro—"

My eyes landed on my friends who sat at the first and second rows with the same shocked look on their faces as I held on my own.

"Well–" the teacher began to say, "–Ms. Hendricks, I am Ms. Cardile, and welcome to Sex Education"

My eyes widened once again, as Ms. Cardile motioned to a seat next to Violet.

I looked to her, Juliet, and Alicia having them have the same glimpse of confusion and discomfort in their eyes.

After passing out plenty of sheets of papers about the class, and giving us our syllabus, it was about time to leave the period—that's just how many parent approvals, and STD sheets we got.

"Before you leave–" Ms. Cardile said having her voice echo through the room, "–I figured since it's the first day of the school year, might as well start now"

"Start what?" Juliet asked, "Guys what does she mean start now?" she turned to us having Violet and Alicia shrug, and me widen my eyes for the hundredth time in this class.

I, being right in front of her, was the first one to receive one of Ms. Cardile's gifts. Followed by the rest of my friends.

"Why on earth would we need these?" I asked waving the condom given to us in front of me, "We're fourteen, it's not like we're having sex anytime soon" I sighed, opening the door to the classroom, and walking out to the hallway.

"At least we're being taught safe sex" Violet said, hesitantly putting hers away in her backpack.

"I'm burning mine" Alicia said in her most serious tone.

"But you're the one who needs it most out of all of us" I laughed, having her swat at me.

"Speak of the devil" I smirked, watching as Michael make his way towards us.

"And the other devil" Juliet elbowed me, "Not like we were speaking of him but—"

"Ladies" Luke smiled, more like smirked, to us. Having me bite on the inside of my cheek.

An eruption of giggles was heard behind me, making me turn, and narrow a glare, "Oh God" I rolled my eyes, "You guys are such children" I laughed, "Why do you insist on bugging me so much about him? I never said anything about the boy"

"First, it's only fair; and second, you stare at him quite a lot" Violet snickered, having me swat at her for what seemed to be the millionth time.

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