Chapter 7: Help from Cap

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In the morning everything changes. Chris is very angry and he really wants Starbucks Coffee once he literally drags he out of bed he orders me to get his coffee I sigh sadly and get dressed. ( )

Once I'm out of the house I break down. I cry all the way down the street, getting sympathetic looks from strangers. One even pats my shoulder. I start to cheer up but once I look back at the house. I see Lena's car pulling up in the garage. It happens again and I start to run, tears streaming my face. Sadness flows through my veins. Why does he have to tease me all the time.

As I get to Starbucks I order a Chocolate Frapp and a Vanilla bean Frapp for myself. It represents us. We are opposites. I'm light vanilla and he's dark chocolate. Tears stream down my cheeks. Fortunately, the cashier is too busy I notice.

As I walk back from the store I see a blonde man running across around the fountain. He looks so much like Chris but a bit more buff. I cannot help but cry a bit more. When I say cry mean silently sobbing. The man runs around the fountain and he comes close to me. I turn away so he doesn't see my face. But he does.

"Evelyn?" A familiar voice asks. I turn. Steve stands there looking worried and sweating. His eyes widen at the sight of my face, probably covered with smudged makeup. I start full on sobbing and run into Steve's arms. "What's wrong?" He asks, rubbing my back. I can't talk. I just sob.

Eventually Steve carries me to the nearest bench. He holds me in his lap and soothingly strokes my hair. The presence of him makes he feel so much better. I missed having a person to comfort me. I missed my mother, who died with my father when Loki's army attacked. I missed him.

Once, I feel like talking I sit up and unwrap my hands from Steve neck. "Number 1. My boyfriend is abusive, 2. he's cheating, 3. He said he loved me for the first time last night, 4. And I miss my mamà and papà." I say quickly, trying not to tear up. Steve looks at me like I'm a dyeing puppy. His eyes show anger and sadness. I sit there tears in my eyes waiting for a response. I try to telepathically tell him not to go crazy angry. He seems to get the message.

"Oh,'ve got yourself in a pickle." He says. I laugh and wipe my nose with my sweatshirt sleeve. "Ya, I know. We've been together for eight years." I say, trying to remove all the good times we had together from my mind. It'll only make me not want to let go.

"I'll walk you back to your apartment." He says, standing up. I nod. He intertwined our hands and I smile looking down. Steve walks forward and I follow him. "You're boyfriend's gonna get it." He whispers, thinking I can't hear. But I do hear. "Steve. You don't need to hurt him. I've already got that handled. It'll hurt him a lot when he's on hangover and I tell him I'm leaving. I'll have all my bags packed and already down at the lobby." I explain. "You seem to have everything planned out." He says. "Yep. Chris is going to feel the remorse." I say.

Once at my apartment Steve says "Evelyn, this is where I live too. My room is right next to yours." "Whoa! That's why I hear old tracks playing all the time." I say. Steve blushes. I laugh at him. "S'ok. I love that type of music." Steve smiles. "I've got one major problem, Steve." I say. "What is that?" He asks curiously. "I've got no where to stay after I leave. I'm gonna make Chris pay the rent from now on. So I'll leave." I say. "You can stay at my place. No problem." Steve says, opening his door. "Um...ok. Great then! Thanks so much Steve." I say. I open the door and prepare for a very gross sight.

Chris and Lena are probably upstairs doing something gross. I throw away my finished Frapp and set Chris's on the table. I blow my nose a little and then go upstairs quietly to pack my stuff.

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