Chapter 16: The Jump to Succsess

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(The pic is her outfit)

My whole head vibrates and I feel like I'm going crazy. "What...?" I stop myself. I feel a presence next to me and I open my eyes. Steve hold his stomach and laughs. I put a hand up to my head and pull my phone off my forehead. "Nice way of waking me up," I mumble, sarcastically. "I know, so clever," Steve says, complimenting himself. I smile at him, happy that he's happy.

After reading Fury's text, I write back to him. 'I'll be in there in twenty minutes.' Fury does not reply, but I can tell he is smiling at me in his organized office.

"So, do they have gear and a outfit for me or...?" I ask Steve. "Oh, I think they'll have something for you to put on." Steve answers. I shrug and walk into my closet so I can just put on some comfy clothes. The work life.

"Want to do an extra workout tomorrow?" I ask Steve, winking. Steve smiles mischievously. "Yeah, sounds good," he tells me. I smirk at him and he just smiles. I wonder what he's planning.

"Ready?" "Yep!" I call back to Steve. "Ok, then let's so," Steve says. I hop in the car and Steve starts the engine. "You know, it was really funny seeing Fury smile. It made me want to smile," I tell him. "I guess he's just that type of guy," Steve says.

The elevator ride was once again super long, but this time we stop at a different floor. Steve places a hand on the small of my back and guides me to the office. "Where are we going?" I ask him. "To the aircrafts," Steve tells me.

The first face I recognize is Natasha's. She smiles when she sees me. "Hey sport, how's it going?" "Great," I say, excitedly. She smiles even wider. "You are excited," she says. "Thanks for stating the obvious," I tell her.

Steve laughs at my comment and Natasha leads us into the plane. It's some airplane that have those creepy flight attendants in the tight skirts and fancy makeup, but the kind of plane that you see before a bunch of bombs drop down on you. I think this one is even cooler.

"Try to relax. We'll be jumping off this in a few hours," Nat says, smirking. My eyes go wide. "Wait! Jumping?" She grins and pat my shoulder. "You'll be fine, the water won't hurt you," she teases. I let out the breath I did not think I was holding. "I love water," I tell her confidently. She grins even more, making me think that she is really proud of me.

During half the ride, I fight with Nat. She is really good. "So you use that stringy thing all the time?" I manage ask her as she wraps the string around my neck. She laughs and releases me. "You might not do to good without a weapon," she tells me. "That reminds me, do you have like a spare outfit or something I can wear?"

I come out of the bathroom pulling up my boots. "Nat! This looks amazing!" I tell her. She smiles at me. "Ya, I designed most of it, but Clint. You don't even know how fashionable he is," she says. I laugh at the thought of Clint in a dress.

Steve goes into the bathroom to get changed. Once he comes out I can't help to stare. I love his outfit. So American and it's really tight to his body. Steve smirks at me. I blush and look away.

      After a few more minutes we finally get to the mission sight. A vessel. "Sooooo, we are going to jump down there and into the water?" I ask Natasha. "Yeah, but with parachutes so don't worry," she tells me. I let out a breath. "Thank goodness," I say. Maybe this won't be so bad.

     Steve goes first. He talks with another agent and then he walks towards the platform. Then finally he jumps. I almost scream out to him, but he does it willingly. "Did he have a parachute?" I ask the agent he talked to. "Nope," he tells me, a grin sneaking its way onto his face. My mouth drops. Oh no.

     I turn to Natasha who is laughing. "What? What's so funny?" I ask her, walking over to her, extremely worried. "He'll use his shield," she tells me like it's a fact. It is a fact. The shield is unbreakable. Stupid me. I laugh nervously.

    "When are we going in?" I ask Natasha, who had finally stopped her laughing. "Thirty seconds," she answers. My eyes go wide and before I can any anything she clasps something on my waist belt. "Ready?" She asks me. "Do I have a choice?" I ask her. "Nope." Then she takes my hand and we jump off the plane.

     My screaming fills the air as we plummet down into the vessel. Natasha laughs a little at me and I stop screaming. "Sorry..." I say to her as we finally reach the vessel. "No, I'm glad I got to share that experience with you. Very funny," she says. I laugh with her and then we set off to find the rest if the crew.

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