My Tag 'Punishment'

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I was tagged by PeggyRogers1
Thank you so much! Not sarcastic!

1)You must post all rules
2)You must tag thirteen people
3)You must answer thirteen questions given to you and ask thirteen more
4)You can't say you don't do tags
5)Tag backs are allowed
6)You have to finish this in a week
7)Be creative

Thirteen facts about me:

I wear glasses
I am single
I have A LOT of best friends
I love to sing even in I suck
I love the Harry Potter movies and I really need to read the books because I feel stupid cause I haven't read them
I am super crazy weird and sometimes I wonder if I should go to a mental facility, but it's not too extreme
I love to read fanfiction during class (not when the teachers looking though)
I love green beans (I know it's weird, but you've got to come clean sometimes)
I also love chocolate chip cookies
I'm very self conscious, but reading clears my mind of all that crap
I swear sometimes, but my parents don't really know...
My favorite emojis are 😏 😂 😜 😒
I love writing romance stories but I've never experienced any romance (😭😭😭)

Answers to questions:

1) Favorite band? Fall Out Boy

2) Favorite song? You are frying my brain!!! No one can answer that!!!!

3) Your biggest fandom? Copy and paste previous answer

4) Favorite animated movie? Shark Tale

5) Favorite color? Purple cause it's a mix of red and blue. Represents my personality

6) Type of music you prefer? Shawn Mendes

7) Do you like reading? Yep! Love reading! Especially action and romance

8) Favorite Disney movie? Old Dogs with Robin Williams and John Travolta

9) Captain America or Iron Man? I've got I see the movie yo understand why they are fighting first, but I like Cal better

10) Favorite Owl City Song? Fireflies because truthfully that's the only song I know

11) Favorite movie series? Harry Potter because who could go wrong?

12) Zodiac Sign? I'm super new to this so I think mine is, Libra

13) Frozen or Big Hero 6? Big Hero 6 because I like action and Frozen has gotten too replayed that I don't like it anymore.

Questions for the people who are tagged:

1. Favorite food?
2. Would you rather have a few best friends or a bunch of regular friends?
3. What is your Zodiac sign?
4. Thor or Loki?
5. Harry or Draco?
6. Action books or Romance novels?
7. What sport do you play? If none what is your hobby?
8. Would you wear a tight skirt and I loose shirt or a tight shirt and a loose skirt?
9. Are you single?
10. Do you have any love interests?
11. Favorite fandom? Or how many favorites do you have?
12. Where would you like to live? Beach house or cabin in the forest?
13. British boys or American? Australian or Canadian?

The fantabulous people are:
MendesBeauty sarsaparilla4000 MirielOfGisborne iHaroldStyles 1DWithZayn GreenSunflowers 1DLover121 naughtymendes sandydragon1 Mendes3832 ElizabethTookLOTR TrinityInfinity12 shawnmendes_magcon  

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