Chapter 25: Getting Shot and Confessions

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(Pretty long chapter) (sorry I have not updated til now) (read and enjoy!!)


       Good news is: We escaped the bridge. Bad news: There's a huge aircraft ship shooting bullets at us. Steve tells me to duck at the bullets fly past at a rapid pace. I feel a searing force in my shoulder and I realize that I just got shot. My eyes widen with shock, but Steve doesn't notice and I still do not feel anything.

     Steve keeps driving and says, "I've got to take out this aircraft so you stay on here and keep driving straight under the-! Ev you're bleeding!" I fight the urge to roll my eyes since he had not noticed until now. "Just go. I'll make something work. I always do," I tell him, hurriedly pushing him off the seat.

     Steve looks at me pleading for me to let him help me, but I stare into his eyes. He sighs and jumps up onto the plane. I try to figure out how the motorcycle works and in the process the vehicle speeds up. Slightly pleased with myself, I speed under the ship and slow down on the other side for Steve to hop on. As he does the ship spins out of control and off the bridge. I breath out a sigh of relief and that's when the pain hits me.
     Gasping for breath and struggling to keep my composure, I shakily speed off with Steve's guidance.

     My hands grab the handle tightly as Steve works on trying to get the bullet out of my shoulder and without a medical kit of some sort I start to loose hope of every getting it out until there is this horrible pain in the shoulder. My eyes prick with tears and my hands jerk off the handles. I see Steve out of the corner of my eye. He throws the bullet to the side and grabs the handles just as I lean my head on his chest, instantly losing consciousness from the loss of blood.

     I wake up to the smell of coffee and for a moment I wonder where the hell I am. Then the memories come back and I look down to my tender shoulder. Gingerly, I start to touch it, but suddenly the door slowly creaks open. Steve pops his head in and seeing that I am awake he walks in holding a tray of warm food and a mug of coffee. I smile at him thankfully and take the mug in my hands. Feeling how the mug is not even hot I smile at Steve again and blow a kiss to him. He actually took the time to cool down the mug for me and I wonder how much time he put in to do that which makes me realize I must have been sleep for a while because the sky outside is very dark with little lights named stars obviously.

     "Are you ok? Do you want me to sit you up? I brought you dinner too." Steve bombards me with questions and I almost laugh at him.

"I'm fine sitting up by myself. Thanks for the food Steve." He places the tray on my lap and I lift up the spoon and slurp up the tomato soup. My belly warms up and I rip a piece of bread for me to dip. "You are quite the cook."

"Yeah? I actually bought that tomato soup a couple days ago at the farmers market. All organic." I laugh at Steve and his healthiness.

"I'd be fine with McDonalds, but this is obviously better. Um may I ask? How long have I been unconscious?" Steve twiddle ships thumbs as he sits on the each of the bed next to me.

"Maybe about two hours. Not too long, sweetheart," Steve tells me, slowly reaching over to take a look at my bloodstained bandage on my collarbone. I sigh in relief. If I had missed another day of work then I'd be pretty much fired for getting shot as well. Steve's fingers lightly touch the tender skin and I wince. He doesn't say anything, but he walks out of the room. I wonder what is going through his mind right now.

--Steve's P.O.V.--

As I walk to the bathroom, I think about the man I saw. He looked so familiar, but with that mussel on his mouth I couldn't be sure. And that arm. It was all so strange. How he could stop my shield with his robotic arm and that cold stare he gave me. I plan on finding something about him, but right now I need to take care of Evelyn. I know she is going to want to know about the man and why S.H.I.E.L.D was firing at us.

    Grabbing the bandages from under sink, I start to drift to wondering about when I'm going to ask Evie out. I feel like I'm just too shy, but then again. She does not think that nor does she know that deep down I am really just a softy. Wow. I am so going to pay for thinking that. Extra training on Friday. I shake off all my thoughts and walk back into my room.

   Ev is on the ground doing the splits and reading a magazine. Before she sees me, I steal a look at the tray of food I brought her. All gone. She is such a wonder. Finally she notices me and struggles to undo her current position. She fails miserably and shamefully pushes herself off the floor. I bite back my laughter and watch her sit back down on the bed, looking down with an embarrassed smile on her face. I shake my head at her and cluck my tongue. "Silly goose."

"No one says that anymore," she says, crossing her arms.

"Just...ok," I say playfully pretending to be frustrated with her. She giggles and I smile feeling accomplished.

--Evie's P.O.V.--

    After Steve placed a new bandage on my wound, I start to lay back down. "What time is it?"

"About twelve," Steve says. "Let's go to bed."

I nod and push myself under the covers then realizing I have yet to change since the incident. Groaning, I hop out of bed, grab a nightgown from my smallest suitcase, and going into the bathroom.

Finally I am in bed and my head rests on Steve's chest. "Hey, Ev?" I look up at Steve with questioning eyes. His eyes were filled with love as he opens his mouth.

"Will you be me girlfriend?" My eyes did not glisten with tears as he asked, but I did feel really content at the moment. The words swirled around in my mouth, but I decided to have a bit of fun.

"Um, nah that's ok."

"You are so lying," Steve told me, seriously. I rolled my eyes.

"You already know it's a yes, sweetheart," I tell him, mimicking his words from when he was telling me how long I was unconscious for.

"That's not what I wanted to here, Evelyn and you know that." He never really calls me Evelyn unless it's sorta serious or he's getting me out of a dangerous situation. I frown at him, feeling slightly guilty that I pulled that stunt on him.

"Well, is this what you wanted to hear?" I take a breath before starting.

"You are the best change I've ever had in my life and I appreciate everything you have dome for me. I love you so much and I have ever since you walked into the stupid gym and watched me fall straight on my face. I love you and your kind heart that always brings out the good in you. I never want to leave you and when we grown old and start to bicker, I want  you to know that I don't mean anything bad that I say. I say it because I'm frustrated not because I am less in love with you than I am now."

I almost giggle at Steve as his eyes start to water and as he wipes already flowing tears from his face, beating me to it. "Yeah that's more of what I like to hear."

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