Chapter 19: Unknown Things

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(Video is super funny, plz watch.)

Once we are at the archery range, Clint takes out a long dark bow and a wooden bow. "You'll be using a wooden one for now, but once you get the hang of it you can try the purple one," Clint said, motioning to the other bow on the rack. I raise my eyebrows. "Ok..."

"So you've gotta pull back the string like this, but don't let go of the arrow," Clint tells me. The bow feels weird in my grasp. I slowly pull back the string with little effort and hold it there. "Ok, now what?" I ask Clint. He grins. "Aim the arrow at the target." He tells me. I move the bow a little and squint so I can find the target. Little to the left. Right. Perfect. I take a breath then let go of the string. The arrow shoots out of the bow and straight at the target.

Sticking out of the red part of the target is an arrow. My arrow. I was so close to the target. I set the bow down the walked towards the target. The arrow has made the wood split and it is poking out the back of the target. I grin, happy with myself for hitting the target. Clint stares at me with a smirk on his face. "That was awesome," I tell him. Clint laughs and pulls out another arrow. "Bullseye this time, Evie,'' he tells me and I nod.

As I put the second arrow in my bow, the sound of a person yelling. He sounds like Tony. I walk the dark hallway and I open a large door and Tony stands there yelling at Thor. Thor seems really angry, but not angry enough to hurt Tony. "Boys, I could hear you from across the hall. What are you fighting about?" I asked them. Tony's eyes go wide in astonishment.

"Sorry I scared you so much Tony," I say, laughing. "I- you just- nevermind," Tony says. I roll my eyes and look at Thor, expecting an answer. "Brother Tony says that I broke the toaster, but it simply was not my fault," Thor tells me. "Tony, you can't just at accuse Thor of doing something especially when he is sensitive about it." I tell Tony, rubbing Thor lightly on the back. Thor smiles innocently.

"Who is going to be the one who comes clean first?" I ask them. Tony and Thor shift uncomfortably. I raise my eyebrows. Thor shuffles his feet towards me. "These Midgardian items are a mystery I still have yet to crack." Thor tells me frowning. "I get it Thor. You shouldn't lie though. And Tony stop getting so angry about things so easily," I tell them. The are very childish. "Ok, Evie," they said together. They are so cute.

"Hug?" I ask them, holding my arms out. Thor embraces me in a bear hug. Tony awkwardly joins."I've got to ask a question," I tell them. "Why are you guys here? Thor you should be in Asgard and Tony you should be in Stark tower," I tell them, confused. "We-I-Um..." Tony struggles for words. They are hiding something from me and I want to know what. "What are you not telling me?" I asked them. "We promised we wouldn't tell." Thor says.

"Promised who?" I ask again. "Steve and that's all we are saying. Get back to training," Tony says, pushing me out the door. "This is not over!" I tell them. The door closes. "What are they planning?" I ask myself. "Are you done with training yet?" A familiar voice asks me. I turn and look at Steve. "What are you planning?" I ask him, backing him up against the wall. "Why don't you kiss me to find out," Steve asks me, smirking. I roll my eyes and kiss him hard on the lips. He better tell me what he's planning or he's gonna be in for a long night. (Dirty minds assemble)

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