Chapter 24: Elevator Madness

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(Pretty long chapter so I hope that makes up for how long I've been away) (the video is the elevator fight scene) (Enjoy!)

   I stand there with the tears on my face and the eyes on my back. I barely feel safe anymore without Nick. He was such a good man to me. I cannot stand there anymore so I wipe the tears off my face with my sleeve and walk out.

   I see Steve by the vending machine and he has his thinking face on so I assume that is where he is going to hide the hard drive. We both are called into Mr. Pierce's office so we ride the elevator up.

   We don't speak to each other, but Steve holds my hand so that I don't start crying again. Once we are in the office the doors close suspiciously. I don't hesitate to grab the spare knife in my shoe if someone comes and tries to kill me.

    Pierce talks with us for a while, but I'm too busy checking out his office and thinking about more important stuff. Steve looks agitated by Pierce and I have a feeling that he's onto something. Pierce always sounded weird to me. I've never really liked him.

    Finally Pierce lets us go. Steve and I walk out of the office.

"You were not even listening at all were you?" Steve asks smirking, having figured me out.

"Nope, not at all," I tell him, matching his smirk. Steve rolls his eyes, playfully.

"Well he was being a jerk and that all you need to know," he tell me. I shrug.


     We walk for a while then we go into the elevator. The elevator goes down a couple levels and some men come onto the elevator with us. I notice that they have loaded weapons and I grasp Steve's arm.

     I know I'm going to have to tell him somehow without the men finding out. Steve looks down at me and I slightly nod my head towards the men. Steve looks at me with confusion and I roll my eyes. Agent whatever his name is talks with Steve.

    More men with cases in their hands come onto the elevator and I can tell Steve understands me now. Steve takes his hands out of his pockets and I slowly pretend to scratch my knee, waiting for them to make the first move. We move to the front and Agent wha we his name is says, "sorry for what happened to Fury." I clench my hands.

      "Yeah, a real tragedy," I say, hopefully convening him, but really I can't help but fight back the urge to punch him in the face. "Thank you," Steve says, rolling his eyes unnoticeably. Then more men come onto the elevator and I try to push Steve out with me behind him, but one of the men just stays put. My hands clench even more and I grab the small sharp knife from my shoe and tuck it into my tear stained sleeve.

     Steve simultaneously does the same and he silently thinks of a good before fight phrase.

"Before we get started...does anyone want to get out?" He asks. I smirk and the creepy man in front of me turn on his electronic weapon thingy and comes at Steve with it. I jump in front of him with my knife and stab the guy.

    We fight side by side with the little weapons we have, but Steve uses his shield to well shield himself. I use the knife to cut the men's arms so that they can't really use their weapons and Steve punches then out cold. I'm not really trained to do so...yet.

    Finally we get most of the men down and injured or unconscious. But that creepy Agent guy keeps coming back for more.

"I just want you to know, Big Guy, this ain't personal," he says then he comes at Steve again. I, once again, jump in front of him and use my knife to stab him in the arm.

     He groans in pain and forcefully uses his electric thing on me, making me yell out in pain. I can see Steve's furious face from the corner of my eye and he punches the Agent out cold.

  "It kinda feels personal," Steve says, after throwing him up into the ceiling. My breathing steadies and I stand up, shakily, looking at all the unconscious men.

     "What the hell is happening?" I ask Steve, placing my hands on my knees and laughing quietly. Steve smiles faintly. "I'll tell you later," Steve says. He opens the elevator and a bunch of men come at us with guns. He pulls me close to him and breaks the shaft controller, making us fall down a bunch of stories.

    I burry my face into Steve neck as we fall, clinging onto each other for support. Then it stops making a horrible sound. Steve gently places me down and opens the doors again. More men with weapons. He closes the door with his super strength which I cannot help but gawk at.

    "Ev, we're gonna have to jump," Steve says, looking out the window. He put his shield up and tells me to climb on his back. "No, I will crush you. I'll find a way out and I'll meet you at the lobby," I tell him, looking back at the doors. Steve looks defeated.

      "You've got nowhere to go, Rogers," a voice from outside says. "Where are you gonna go?" He asks me, quickly, making sure we've got enough time. "I'll figure it out, trust me," I say, pulling him in for a kiss. Just before we break apart I push him forcefully out the window. Steve groans loudly and I can't help but giggle. He puts his shield in front of him and crashes through the glass and onto the floor. I can see his vivid uniform and he puts a hand up indicating that he is ok. I nod and search for another way out. 

     "There's no way out, Sanders." The voice says again, apparently knowing Steve got away. "Can't I just stay in here?" I ask innocently. "Open the damn door!" The voice shouts. I know I hit a nerve with this guy so I try to fix the shaft controller.

    I've never been good with tech stuff especially this complex system so I use my strength to pull some of the metal off the walls like Steve probably can. Obviously I don't have the super strength he does, but I thought I'd test my luck. I pace around the elevator waiting for an idea to pop into my head.

   "I've got nothing," I say out loud. "Ha! Now come out of there or we'll shoot down the doors," a voice says.

"That's not necessary," a female voice says. I instantly recognize the voice as Natasha's and I hear a bunch of noise, probably Nat kicking all the guys butts, literally.

    Once the doors are broken down, Nat leads me down the security camera filled stairs. We reach the lobby and I thank her.

"Don't mention it," she says. "Seriously, it'll get me fired," she adds. I laugh and pretend to zip my mouth closed.

"You got it," I tell her, running to the garage and knocking down a bunch of people in the process.

     I meet Steve at his motorcycle and he checks my face for scratches. "How'd you get out?" He asked.

"Nat," I say, hesitantly, hopping onto the motorcycle. Steve nods and we zoom off. "Back on the motorcycle," I says, sighing.

"Yes you are," Steve says, laughing. "Don't be too scared or it'll take control of you," he tells me. I nod and follow his advice. "
"I'm not scared at all. Never was," I tell him and he smiles.

"That's my girl."

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