Chapter 30: Deciding

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Waking up was the easy part. Stay awake was the hardest. When I closed my eyes, my mind filled with unneeded wonders.

Did that nightmare mean that Loki had done something completely horrific to me?

Had he done something to my voice?

Did he use magic on me?

Did he do something much much worse?

Do I have a bomb in me?
I started to get anxious. He hadn't put a bomb in me. He couldn't.
That's when I realized the stitched on my neck. Not before I noticed how I couldn't speak. I realized that he had done something to my voice box of whatever that thing is that lets us humans speak. Was I mute now?

Wrapping my arms around myself, I ran to the corner and slid down the wall, my eyes filling with tears.

Letting a few tears fall, I realized I had to do something. This wasn't an instinct feeling of anxiety or unsureness. I thought it over before I got up and screamed.


I pulled a long strip of my shirt off and stretched it. Suffocating him was going to be tough, but I was now able to move around at least a bit more that last time.

I lined myself up adjacent to the door and jumped a few times, hoping he would think someone was rescuing me.

I heard even footsteps across the hall and my breathing became ragged.

Then I started to wheeze. I shut my mouth quickly and hoped Loki hadn't heard.

He hadn't. He was still across the hall talking with someone. I started to listen to their conversation.

"We need to move her."

"You will listen to what I tell you!"

I realized the second voice was not Loki's, but a far more powerful being's.

I heard Loki whimper slightly.

"Yes master." He said.

Master? Is this other person another more powerful Asgardian God?

"You will bring the girl back to Stark tower where she will destroy the avengers. If she fails, you will kill her and report back to me," the booming voice says. My feet trembled on the ground since this 'master' of Loki's was so really scary.

"Y-y-es sir." Loki stammered. There was the sound of two pounding footsteps and then a slight whoosh. The 'master' was gone.

Loki shuffled around in the front and I took this time to decide what I would do.

Part of me felt really sad for Loki. He obviously didn't want to do this or hurt anyone. He was misunderstood. Part of me knew that I had to get myself out of this. I didn't want to hurt Loki or kill his anymore. I just wanted to figure out what was wrong with me, how to fix it, and how to save anyone I could from harm, especially myself.

I knew that I had many choices.
I could get Loki to let me escape
I could suffocate Loki and escape.
I could stay here and stick with the plan until I got to Stark Tower. There I would tell them about what happened and they'd help me.
I could wing it as we go along.
I couldn't decide. I really didn't want to suffocate Loki if I didn't have to. I would let him through the door and I'd make him talk.

I'd make him tell me what he did to me.

I'd make him tell me if that nightmare was real.

I'd make him tell me who that strange person was.

I'd make him tell me everything he knows.
Or else.
(Or else what?)

Loki came into the room and I shut the door quickly, hoping to scare him.
"Ah, Evelyn. I see you're awake.-"

"What did you do to me?" I got that sad feeling again. I wasn't speaking out loud. My eyes brightened in anger. I glared at Loki. Mentally slapping him.

"Ow!" Loki exclaimed. My jaw dropped. I knew what had just happened. (Because I was smart) I'd just slapped Loki in my mind and in real life. I smirked mischievously.

"You know...I think I you can figure out many thing yourself." Loki said to me out loud.

"You little........ I'm not gonna finish that sentence mister because I know if I start I won't stop, but anyways. I hope you know that you are going to tell me what EXACTLY you did to me that made me like this." I told him forcefully in his mind. Loki flinched slightly.

"Oh, what I did to you was something you might not really want to know. Therefore, I'll tell you.
I used some extra black rope and tied you to a table. I used small sharp devices to drown you in pain then I added some of my magic. It embedded itself into these cuts, which were mostly on your neck, and some abilities that I have you now have. Your neck will be sore and you may not speak. Some abilities require the vocal box so I had to do the procedure in that spot. Despite how strong you seem to be, I doubt you will be able to win your voice back for a while. I hope this informs you on EXACTLY what I did to you. Or perhaps, for you."

Tears pricked my eyes. How could he just violate me like that? I didn't want special powers. The details he added to that information was not necessary. I didn't like hearing about pain. It didn't help that I could remember each and every cut he made. He didn't do this for me. He did this to me. I finally found my 'voice'.

"What powers do I have?" The sad feeling came back.
I let it stay.
I let tears fall
I let Loki get what he wanted.

"Now is the time to test them."

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