Unexpected Visit (George)

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I can't believe my friends were swooning over to this boy, George Harrison, again. This happens almost every single bloody day! Same old stories, same old giggles. It's starting to annoy the heck out of me.

I couldn't deny the fact that he is handsome. He was a fine gentleman, actually. I first saw him when my friends forced me to go 'stalking' with them.

He has this quiff hairstyle like any other teddy boy in this town, has fangs on the sides of his teeth and thin body. I must say, I was pretty impressed with my friends' choice of a guy. Still, I didn't feel anything for him but I still find him attractive.

Me, my friends, and George are batchmates. George was attending in an all boys school. His school is just right across from our school building. I don't even know why the creators of our schools decided to make our schools close to each other.

Anyways, I've seen George a lot of times already. Especially whenever I'm dismissed late because of school activities. I guess he was dismissed late too.

I would always find him sitting on their waiting shed too. We would lock eyes, but just look away immediately.

Anyways, going back to the present situation, I was just reading the book, the Great Gatsby, while my friends were making a plan on how they should talk to George. Our table was noisy! Besides, we're in the library for goodness gracious! Although it's already dismissal.

Later, my friends finally left. They told me that they would try talking to George and blah blah blah. I wasn't listening. How rude of me, but I'm so glad they finally left. I could finally read my book in peace.

After an hour or so, I got tired of reading and it was already getting late. So I decided to just borrow, and take the book home.

I made my way to the counter and checked out. Afterwards, I finally went out.

When I got outside, I heard a commotion. I then saw George with 3 other boys. They were being surrounded by my girl schoolmates. I even saw my friends there too.

George and the 3 other lads were all good looking! The 1st lad was feminine looking. He has a chubby face, big doe eyes and perfect eyebrows. The 2nd lad has an auburn colored hair, and the most rebel looking among the four. He had the highest quiff. Unlike the other three, the first three buttons of his polo shirt were undone. The last guy was the shortest. He has this huge nose and stunning blue eyes, and has a lot of rings on his fingers, which is odd.

I laughed when I saw one of my friends tapped George's shoulder, and his eyes widened with fear. Suddenly, he gazed at my direction. When he saw me, his eyes widened even more.

He then shook the 1st lad, who is the feminine looking guy. He whispered something on his ear, then the lad looked at my direction and smiled. The 2nd lad I believe was 'flirting' with a blonde but was distracted by the 1st lad. He look annoyed at first, but when he gazed at my direction, he grinned. Same thing happened with the last lad, who was adjusting his rings.

'Maybe they're looking at some other bird.'

I then made my towards the exit gate, and sat on the same waiting bench I've sat since the first day of school. I put out the book that I borrowed a while ago and started reading.

While I was reading, I heard somebody cleared out their throat. When I looked up, I saw George. I hitched a breath.

"Hi. My name is George" He stuttered.

I closed the book and looked at my friends questioningly. My friends looked shock. I slowly looked up at George again and smiled shyly at him.

"Hello. My name is Y/N."

I held up my hand and he took it. I swear I felt an electricity ran through me. We then shook hands.

"Well. Um. I was wondering if-"

"Just spit it out already, mate!" The 2nd lad, who was the most teddy boy, exclaimed.

All of the boys glared at him. The feminine looking guy then stomped on the lad's foot. The lad screamed in pain. I giggled. When I looked back at George again, he was gazing at me.

"What were you saying a while ago?" I said.

"Oh. Um. Well, I had always been watching you since the first day of school especially during dismissal, and ye know. I think you're beautiful but please don't think of me as a creep. I just can't help myself from observing you" he said, sweats now forming on his forehead.

I blushed even more.

"A-and we're going to have a prom next week, so ye know. I was wondering if you could be my promdate?" He stuttered.

I was speechless. My heart was pounding hard. Then he suddenly put out a bouquet of roses from his back. My knees began to tremble. I stared at the roses and smiled.

"Yes, I'll be your promdate." I softly said.

His eyes lightened up. "Really? Are you serious?" Said he.

I nodded.

He smiled brightly and hugged me, but he quickly let go and looked away.

When he was just about to say something, the 1st lad suddenly stepped between us.

"Hi, my name's Paul McCartney. I now understood why our Georgie is head over heels for you. He kept telling us 'ow beautiful you are and surprisingly, it is true." He took my hand and gently planted a kiss. I looked away and blushed madly.

I heard George cursed at Paul, but Paul just smirked.

The 2nd lad suddenly pushed Paul away. He then stood in front of me.

"That hurt, John!" Paul exclaimed from the ground.

"Sod off, Paul." He said, smirking at Paul.

Paul just rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Hi, the name's John Lennon. You're strikingly gorgeous! You don't know how much George wants you." He wiggled his eyebrows and winked at me.

As always, I blushed.

Then the last lad suddenly appeared between me and John. I gasped.

"Hi! My name is Ringo Starr!" He exclaimed happily. I smiled at him. He seemed friendly, and adorable.

"Ringo? Is that your real name?" I asked.

"Nope. My real name is Richard Starkey. Ringo is just my nickname. My nickname is actually based from my rings." He said, smiling widely.

I beamed and said, "You're adorable."

Ringo looked down and smiled. While we were giggling, George suddenly shouted, "Stop it!"

We all looked at him, confused.

"Paul, John and Ringo, back off! She's mine, okay? I got her first."

The lads backed away from me and went beside George.

"I apologize, Y/N." George said, now shuffling his feet nervously.

I walked towards him and kissed him on his right cheek. His eyes widened, and I heard a lot of gasps.

"It's alright. Thank you for the flowers, George. Call me tonight and let's talk about prom, okay?" I said.

He nodded quickly, still eyes wide.

After a while, we finally said our Good bye and I finally went home with a smile plastered on my face and a bouquet of roses on my lap.

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