Something (George Harrison)

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(This is inspired by the music video of the song Something by The Beatles)

Today is the day we're going to film the music video for the song I wrote called Something.

The song had a lot of positive reviews and it was even an A-side of the album. This is just a simple love song that I wrote for my wife, Y/N. I must admit, I had difficulties writing this song especially when it came to the verses, which was usually my issue but John helped me.

He told me, "Once you start to write a song, try to finish it straight away while you're still in the mood. Sometimes you go back to it and you're in a whole different state of mind." After that, I was motivated and then the song was made.

John played the piano, Ringo in the drums, Paul in the bass and me in the guitar. Despite the tension and the fights in the studio, when it comes to music we become united and eventually reminded ourselves that we are still brothers.

However, the band was already falling apart so for the filming of this music video, we're separated.

Not only the band was falling apart, even my marriage with Y/N. I watched Y/N while she talks to the director. My heart began to get heavy as I observe her -- the light in her eyes was gone and already had bags under her eyes, and the genuinety in her smile was gone.

Is it my fault? We haven't been in good terms lately. She's tired, I'm tired, and everyone is tired. We had constant fights and breakdowns and it's painful.

"Okay, so this is the plan. The first scene will be just Y/N walking and George, you will do the same after her."

All of us sat down except Y/N and the camera man.

She started walking and for some reason, the song started playing in my head. She was in slow motion while the song plays and it was magical.

She is still beautiful despite her flaws.

In that moment, I felt my heart began to work again and I was inspired to do this video.

After Y/N was finished, it was my turn and I did what the director asked me to do.

"Okay! That was really great. For the next scene, Y/N will smile at George and George will just stare at her lovingly."

I glanced at Y/N and found her nodding but I could see anxiety in her eyes. I frowned and wondered why.

"And action!"

We stood there, facing each other and just like before, we were staring at each other, not with frowns but with smiles. Then when Y/N gave me a toothy smile, my knees went weak and my heart flooded in joy and adoration.

"And cut! That was wonderful guys."

Sadly, her smile faded and she went back to her seat, leaving me standing alone.

"For the third scene, the two of you will be holding hands and will walk around this field."

I didn't know the reason why I suddenly became nervous. It was like as if this is going to be the first time that I will hold her hand.

Y/N stood up from her chair and went to me then suddenly took my hand and intertwined it with hers. In that moment, I felt an electricity shot through my veins.

She looked up at me and gave me a small smile then quickly looked away. Even if she wasn't looking at me anymore, I was still smiling at her.

"We're going to begin now in 5... 4... 3... 2 and action!"

We started walking with our hands clasped together and the song began to play in my head again.

I felt the spark between us and maybe the missing piece in our marriage was intimacy. She's busy with her modelling career while I'm busy with music and we almost don't have time for each other anymore and of course the fame definitely doesn't help in our marriage.

For the rest of the day, the director told us to either look or smile at the camera and then walk together again. I had fun and I was happy.

When the session ended, we said our thank you to the director and the staff then farewells.

The good thing was that the video was filmed near to our flat so we just walked but in silence.

When we got in our flat, I realized that it wasn't full of love and happiness inside anymore. It was as if nobody was staying here anymore.

Y/N went directly to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water while I sat on the couch, pondering on what I should do. I think I need to talk to her.

When I heard her footsteps going out of the kitchen, I quickly called her name.

Her soft voice replied, "Yes George?"

I swallowed thickly and looked back at her. My brown eyes met her gorgeous (Eye color) eyes.

"Can we talk?"

She seemed to have second thoughts but thankfully she agreed. She made her way towards our couch and sat with a distance.

"I don't know where to start," I said, suddenly growing nervous.

"It's alright. Take your time George, I will be waiting," she replied softly.

I took a deep breath and gathered my thoughts first then when I was finally ready, I talked.

"Y/N, are you still happy with me?"

She suddenly bit her lip and she looked down and sighed.

"To be honest George, I am not happy anymore," she stuttered out.

My heart broke inside and I'm trying my best not to break down and cry.

"My darling, Y/N. I'm sorry if the only thing that I am giving you is sadness. I'm sorry for not making an effort to spend time with you, for letting fame ruin me, for not being there to sleep with you or eat with you, for not planning a baby with you. I'm so sorry."

Then my tears began to fall from eyes and I knelt down in front of her.

"Please forgive me, Y/N. I promise to change and make this marriage work again. During the filming a while ago, I realized that I really do love you and I'm still in love with you," I said with my voice cracking up.

I felt her soft hands touched my face and began to wipe away the tears. I looked up and saw tears in her eyes too.

"Oh George, I will always love you and will always forgive you no matter what. I have mistakes too and both of us always misunderstood each other. I  have always wanted to take back those old times when we were still in love and happy," she replied and started crying.

I quickly stood up and sat beside her then held her in my arms and started singing softly.

"Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me

I don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

Somewhere in her smile she knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in her style that shows me

Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around now it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way she knows
And all I have to do is think of her
Something in the things she shows me

Don't want to leave her now
You know I believe and how."

When I was finished, I realized she wasn't crying anymore. She was just holding me tight.

I smiled and asked, "Are you feeling better, darling? I made that song only for you and it's special."

She looked up at me and smiled genuinely, which made me hold her closer.

"You're wonderful, Y/N. Let's make a new chapter, shall we?"

She suddenly laughed, which I really missed, then nodded.

We just stayed there and talked about anything and everything until both of us fell asleep in each other's arms.

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