National Anthem Part 2

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One year had already pass and we're still together.

Same old fake smiles, fake kisses. It was too much to bare. I'm already giving up.

I'm starting to fall in love with him.

Before the door of the outside world opens, we would take a deep breath and not talk to each other.

When the door finally opens, we would interwined our hands together and smile at the cameras like a happy married couple.

That's just not the truth.

Everytime we go home from interviews or any public related activities, we would separate ways. He would either go to his bedroom or the pub, while I go to my own.

The public doesn't know what's happening behind our door.

Every morning, we still eat together yet there's no interaction. He would only talk to me about the plans for the day or what I should say or do for the day's interviews.
It was difficult.

I sing the National Anthem
While I'm standing over your body
Hold you like a python
And you can't keep your hands off me
Or your pants on
See what you've done to me
King of Chevron

Yet there's this one incident that I would never forget, that was when he got drunk. He went to my bedroom and started talking to me. He told me how much he hated pretending, and how much he wanted our relationship to be real.

He had his head on my lap, and all I did was stroke his hair.

I didn't believe in the words he said cause' it was only a drunk man's words.

Yet, he suddenly sat up and kissed me softly. I tensed. Then after a while, the kiss became rough. He pushed me down towards my bed, and started to caress my body.

I don't know what got into me, but I felt pure pleasure. I started roaming my hands all over his back. I can't seem to get enough of him.

His lips tasted like cigarettes, and alcohol. His scent was beyond ordinary.

It was wrong. I reminded myself that it was an unrequited love.

Then reality hit me hard.

I pushed him away and ran out of the door. I went straight to the bathroom and started sobbing.

When I woke up the next morning, I found myself on the bath tub. I quickly got up and washed my face.

After I finish cleaning up, I headed to my room wishing that John wasn't there anymore.

When I got to my room, he wasn't there anymore. I suddenly felt relieved and hurt at the same time.

Maybe I wanted him to stay.

My back ached so much, sleeping on the bath tub was a bad idea. The bed look alluring, so I went to bed and slept. I didn't care what time it was, all I needed was rest. Yet memories from that night still haunts me.

He said to "be cool" but
I'm already coolest
I said to "get real",
"Don't you know who you're dealing with?
Um, do you think you'll buy me lots of diamonds?"

The atmosphere was awkward.

I told George what happened during that night. I consider George as one of my closest friends. He's good at giving advices, and he's always there to listen.

We were in a little café at the moment. Good thing there weren't a lot of people in the café. As usual, he was eating a sandwich.

"Look, Y/N. Just confront him." George said, mouth full.

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