Teenage Dirtbag (Ringo)

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*90's era*

Richard or Ringo Starkey was the unknown one while Y/N was the popular one.

Ringo was hopeless and he's pretty sure that she doesn't know he existed.

All Ringo could do was stare at the beauty. Another reason why he's totally hopeless is because Y/N has a boyfriend named John Lennon.

Her boyfriend's a dick. He's one of the school's jocks. He bullies him sometimes.

Ringo can treat Y/N better than him. He could take her to a concert or have a picnic.

John is tall, him on the other hand is short. They have a lot of differences! John has a perfect nose while he has large nose. He has confidence while he only got shyness. He wears varsity jackets while him on the other side wears plaid flannels.

The list goes on.

"Look at them. They're the school's power couple," Paul stated.

Ringo sighed and watched Y/N and John walk down the hallway together.

"Why is my life cursed?" Ringo sadly said.

His friend noticed. Paul really felt bad for Ringo but they both know that she's out of his league.

"I'm pretty sure she likes you," Paul suddenly said, which made Ringo glare at him.

"Really Paul? She doesn't even know I existed! I'm just a teenage dirtbag."

When Paul was about to say something, the bell rang. They both stopped and went to their classes.

While Ringo was walking, Pattie Boyd, one of Y/N's friends, suddenly patted his shoulder. He jumped a bit and Pattie giggled.

"Hi Ringo!" she waved at him.

Ringo smiled and waved back.

Pattie is one of the kindest and prettiest in their school. She's almost friends with everyone. Although she's still part of the popular group.

Surprisingly, she considers Ringo as one of her friends.

"Are you going to attend the Prom tonight?" the blonde asked him.

Ringo simply shrugged and said, "I don't think so, I don't have a date."

Pattie frowned and shook Ringo lightly. "It's going to be fun! Who cares if you don't have a date?"

"I still have to think about it," Ringo replied.

"I really hope you're going to attend. Anyways, what's your next class?"

Ringo put out his schedule and said, "It's Chemistry. What about you?"

Her blue eyes lightened up and she gave him a toothy grin, which showed up her cute rabbit teeth.

"It's chemistry too! Let's go," she exclaimed.

Pattie grabbed Ringo's hand and ran towards the Chemistry Lab.

When they got there, Ringo saw Y/N with Cynthia.

They were talking with each other but when Pattie and Ringo arrived, both Cynthia and Y/N looked up at them.

Ringo and Pattie went to sit at the back and simply talked.

Ringo didn't know if he's just imagining things or not but he noticed Y/N was glancing at them.

After the subject, the class was dismissed.

While Ringo was fixing his things, Pattie patted on his shoulder.

"Let's shop!" she exclaimed.

Ringo can't help but chuckle.

"Pattie, you have a lot of friend girls, why are you choosing me and why not George?"

Pattie pouted and replied, "I always shop with the girls and George is probably busy snogging a girl right now. Please Ringo."

Pattie was giving him her best puppy eye and Ringo just gave in.

Then they both went to the mall.


Ringo was exhausted and he cannot believe that he told Pattie that he will attend the Prom.

Ringo was fixing his bow tie with a frown on his face.

His mother, Elise, was proud and happy for his son.

"Remember, be home at 10!" his mother exclaimed as she watched her son went out the door.

Ringo nodded and gave her a thumb up before going out.


Ringo was bored to death. Paul was dancing with Jane Asher and he was left all alone in their table.

He danced with Pattie twice already and he's glad that she remains the same.

While he was playing with a random balloon, he suddenly noticed Y/N was walking towards his direction.

He can't stop looking. She was mesmerizing.

'She's not going to talk to me,' Ringo thought to himself.

Ringo looked down at the balloon and started playing with it again.

While his playing with the balloon on the floor, he heard the high heels clicking sound stopped in front of him.

When Ringo looked up, he almost fainted. There was an angel smiling down at him, it was Y/N.

"Hi Ringo," she greeted.

Ringo was speechless.

"H-hi," he stuttered.

"I've got two tickets for Green Day. Please don't say maybe, I'm just a teenage dirtbag."

Ringo felt his cheeks heat up. He was smiling like an idiot.

"So we're both teenage dirtbags now?" Ringo said jokingly.

They both started laughing. Ringo accepted the concert ticket and was very happy.

After that, they both danced and kissed.

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