Incomplete (John)

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AlbalizMarie, I'm so sorry if I'm super late! I was in a vacation! I really hope you enjoy :)

"And when I turned around, do ye want to know what I saw?" Ringo said with a toothy grin plastered on his face.

I chuckled and said, "What was it?"

He suddenly started laughing and exclaimed, "It was only a dog!"

I can't help but laugh too because his story was just plain silly!

He told me what happened to him last night. So, he was walking in a dark alley and he felt suspicious. He felt like something is following him. He turned around and found nothing. He continued walking. Yet suddenly, he heard a crashing sound! He got scared. He slowly turned around, ready to see his murderer. When he turned around, it was only a dog! A dog for goodness sake!

We kept laughing out loud with knee slapping.

"I can't stop! My stomach is aching," I said.

He wiped a tear away from his eye and said, "Me too."

John and I threw a simple party. A celebration for their new album, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Everybody is here! Everyone seem to be having a good time. As I was looking around, I spotted John staring coldly at me.

I stared back, confused.

He broke his gaze and continued talking to Paul.


As I was having deep thoughts, Ringo patted on my shoulder. I quickly transferred my attention back to Ringo.

"I'm so glad you and John threw a little party," he said while beaming at me.

I smiled back and said, "Thank you. We need a celebration for all of your efforts you know."

He nodded then took a sip of his wine.

While we were talking, George suddenly appeared between us.

"Hi guys!" he exclaimed. Me and Ringo beamed up at him.

"Aren't ye the happiest lad here?" commented Ringo.

"Of course I am," he replied.

"Here, come sit down." I patted the empty seat beside me.

When he sat down, I was now in the middle. 

The three of us started conversing with each other.

While George was talking, I could feel somebody watching my every move.

I started looking around once again.

Pattie and Jane were talking. Maureen was in the kitchen. Paul was talking to John.

Then I finally saw who was staring at me. It was John.

He stared at me coldly and expressionless. I don't understand.


"Good night!" they all said. Me and John waved until they got into their car and took off.

When we got in our house, he suddenly pushed me against the wall.

I hissed in pain.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I exclaimed angrily.

"Don't pretend like ye don't know why I'm angry!"

I paused for a moment and replied, "I swear to the heavens above, I have no idea!"

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