Make You Feel Better (George)

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Puggz1993, dear. I'm so sorry if this is very late. I was busy with school and shit. please forgive meeeee. don't hate meeee. lol

"I'm sorry, Y/N but you're fired," my boss said.

I nodded slowly. My eyes were already stinging and my mouth was wobbling.

Without saying anything, I walked out of the door.

When I got out, I finally let it all out. I began to cry violently.

The other employees kept telling me that it's going to be okay but I'm not listening to them. My head just went blank. 

I cannot believe that I just lose my dream job!

I made my way towards my work space and began to pack, still crying.

When I finished, I grabbed the telephone and dialed the studio's number.

I was ugly crying, I look so unprofessional. Many were circling me but I don't mind. 

"Hello?" Brian finally answered.

"H-hello? Brian?" I stuttered.

"Y/N? Are you alright? What's wrong?" he worriedly replied.

"I'm fine, thank you. May I speak to George?"

There was silence but I could hear music playing in the background.

"George is still recording," he said.

I sighed and said, "Oh. Could you tell him that I got fired?"

I felt like crying again.

I heard him gasped. "What? How?"

"My boss told me that my article wasn't good," I murmured.

He paused for a moment then said, "That's bull crap. Anyways, I'm just going to tell George about it, okay? I hope you're alright."

I smiled and replied, "Thank you for your kindness Brian and tell him that I'll be in the library. Talk to you soon. Goodbye."

"Okay, good bye dear."

We both hung up.

I went to hug everyone and said a farewell message then went out.

As I walk out of the building, my heart broke into millions of pieces.

'This was my dream job.'

I took a deep breath and just stared at the building.

I was already working since last year. I was even one of the best. What happened?

'I don't want to cry in the busy streets. Just forget about it.'

I called a taxi and told him the address. I sighed a relief when the taxi drove away.

Good thing the library was already close to George and I's house.

I paid the driver and went out then walked to the library.

Library is my drugs whenever I feel down. Reading just takes me somewhere away from this world. It fuels me every time and it's marvelous.

I made my towards a shelf and started finding a book. There's a lot of good books to pick! It was difficult. George would always become impatient whenever we're here. He would tell me that I take too long to decide.

After an hour of searching, I finally found a book. It's called, The Portrait Of A Lady by Henry James.

I grabbed the book and went to sit. I guess I could wait for George here, I don't feel like going home.

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