Got To Get You Into My Life (George)

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George Harrison desperately needed a break. He was tired of all John and Paul's debate.

He was currently walking towards a little coffee shop close to the studio. Maybe a tea or coffee would calm him down.

He was thankful that the recording is not on a weekend because if it was, there will be girls chasing him by now.

As he pushed the door open, the little bell rang softly. The smell of coffee immediately filled his nose. He sighed happily and went to the counter.

"Hello," he greeted the lovely middle-aged woman.

The woman smiled and replied, "Hi! You must be the quiet beatle, George Harrison, right?"

He smiled back and simply nodded.

"How lovely. What is your order?" she then said.

"I would like to order a cup of brewed coffee and a slice of chocolate cake," George replied.

She proceeded to write his order and after that, he paid. He muttered a small 'thank you' and went to sit.

The atmosphere was relaxing and he love it so much.

It was a small coffee shop. There are paintings on the wall, small flowers on every table, and pastries displayed beside the counter.

While George was looking around, he spotted a girl with glasses reading a book.

It was obvious that she was lost in the book that she was reading. Her eyes were wide with curiousity and wonder.

George was staring intently at her. She was interesting to his eyes.

She was wearing an emerald green knitted sweater with plaid skirt and black oxford shoes. Her hair was tied into a low messy bun.

She suddenly put her book down and took a sip from her cup. She looked at her watch and glanced outside.

George then noticed that she has a notebook and a pen in front of her.

Then her eyes suddenly landed on George. Their eyes met.

It was awkward they both admitted but both of them just can't look away.

The girl smiled at him and looked down at her book.

George smiled back and can't help but blush. She's quiet attractive and he felt like he needed to know her.

He stood up from his seat and went to the girl's table. He then cleared out his throat and the girl looked up.

"H-hi," he greeted shyly.

The girl adjusted her glasses and replied shyly too, "H-hello."

"May I sit with you?" George said.

She smiled and nodded. She gestured George to sit infront of her.

When George sat down, they both introduced themselves.

They both talked about their interests and both of them exchanging information about them.

"So you're a writer?" George asked.

"I'm not quiet sure, really," Y/N replied sheepishly.

"What makes you say that?"

She giggled and said, "I write what I imagine but sometimes, I would write for my friends."

George took his cup and drank slowly. He then nodded and said, "What kind of stories then?"

She can't help but blush because her friends want her to write stories about The Beatles and them.

How can she tell these imagines if one of The Beatles is sitting in front of her?

"Romantic fictions," she simply replied.

"Oh Is that so? Who are the characters?" George replied as he put down his cup.

She gulped and said shyly, "About my friends and your band."

After Y/N said those words, her cheeks instantly heated up.

George smirked slightly and took a bite from his chocolate cake.

"Interesting. What does your friends usually request?" He then asked.


"Um. Usually a sweet and cute one shot." Lie.

"Oh. I really hope to read one of your stories," he said with a smile.

"By the way, whom among The Beatles do you like best?" George added.

Y/N grinned and said, "You."

George looked surprised for a moment but quickly replied, "I would have guessed John or Paul."

"Well, I like you best. Second is Ringo, third is John and last is Paul," she said.

"I apologize for my curiosity but why do you like me best?" George asked shyly.

"For me, you're a sweet person. I may not know you very well but I think you're only silent outside but your mind is not. I think your mind has a lot of interesting ideas and it's unique."

George was speechless. He doesn't know what to say or even do and he hated that his mind couldn't think of a reply to her lovely words.

"I - I don't know what to say," George stammered.

Y/N smiled and said, "You don't need to say anything."

Y/N then glanced down at her watch and her eyes suddenly widened.

"Oh Gosh! My parents will kill me," Y/N exclaimed as she fix her things.

George frowned and felt a bit sad.

"Do you really have to go?"

Y/N stopped what she was doing and looked up at George surprised.

"You don't want me to leave?"

George blushed and stared down at his coffee.

"You're just really nice and I just need somebody to talk to right now," George looked up in embarassment.

"But I don't want to stop you from going away," George added.

Y/N grinned and felt her heart skipped a beat.

"Okay then. I'm staying."

George's face lit up and they continued talking.


"Got To Get You Into My Life is a hit! What was your inspiration for this song?" the reporter asked.

Paul grinned and said, "You should ask George."

The man then went to George and asked him the same question.

George blushed and said, "Uh - Well - my inspiration for this song is actually a lovely girl, whom I met in a café."

The man then asked, "Oh, who?"

George smirked and replied, "Her name is Y/F/N, my girlfriend."

The other three lads then grinned and nodded.

Then the reporter asked another question.

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