Be Careful (Paul)

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She noticed it. She could sense that something changed between Paul and her, but she couldn't point it out. Perhaps their love was vanishing.

Their mornings used to be so full of love, both would make little efforts for each other but now they don't even converse to each other much anymore.

Cynthia, John's wife, told her to observe Paul more because he might be cheating on her. Paul would never do such thing, she thought to herself. She never even considered it so she simply shrug that thought off. Not until one tuesday afternoon when she went home earlier than usual.

She took off her coat and placed it on the wall hanger behind their door. As she was making her way towards the kitchen to get a glass of water, she heard sounds coming from their bedroom. She glanced at her clock and remembered that Paul told her that he'll be coming home late.

She climbed up their stairs slowly, sounds becoming audible. Her heart quickened and already had an idea on what was happening behind the door.

She took a deep breath and braced herself for what was about to happen. Before she knew it, her hand found its way to the doorknob and swung it open.

She kept on telling herself that it was all just a dream, and that it wasn't real but no, she was still there gazing at the two naked people on their bed.

Paul and the red haired girl abruptly stopped kissing and gazed at the other girl standing on the edge of the bed with a blank expression.

"Enjoying the bed?" Y/N asked coldly.

Paul and the girl quickly went out of the bed and started dressing up.

"Y/N please, I can explain," Paul said, trying to take Y/N's hand.

"Get away Paul. There's nothing to explain anyway," she replied while taking out her suitcase.

"Y/N please listen to Paul. He loves you and this was all a mistak--"

"Excuse me?" Y/N asked loudly, scowling at her direction.

"And who are you anyway? Are you my husband's fuck buddy?"

"Y/N stop," Paul warned.

Y/N suddenly stopped getting clothes from their closet, and stepped in front of Paul with a disguted look.

"You make me sick," she muttered coldly.

"How can you say that to your own husband?"

Y/N gaped at him as if she couldn't believe what was standing in front of her. She knew that he was trying to turn the table and make her think that he was the victim in the situation.

"Oh really? Well I'm so sorry darling. I didn't mean to get angry when I saw you on our bed with a stranger," she said with full sarcasm.

"I could sense it Paul. I knew something was off between us and now, at least I knew why our marriage was falling apart. Oh well, I guess I'll be the one adjusting then."

Y/N continued packing and Paul tried his very best to make her stop, but they both knew that she was hardheaded as a rock.

"Look Paul. Can you stop bothering me please? I need to pack up," she snapped at him. "And if you honestly think that I still want to save this marriage, you're wrong. This crossed the line," she added.

With one last push to her suitcase, she grabbed it and walked out of their bedroom. Paul kept yelling for her to come back, but it seems that he already dissolved in her life. Surprisingly enough, the red haired girl whose name was Jane, was also trying to make her stay and told her to think things through. How dare she anyway? She's in no position to tell Y/N such things.

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