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Right this update is one day early, but I couldn't help myself lol. So here it is :D, hope you enjoy it!!!
Aiden to the side --->
(Someone please find out who that guy is because I need to know!!

Violets P.O.V

I woke up and immediately felt out of place. Being back at my parents felt strange. I hadn't been here in so long. And if I was honest, I never really wanted to return to this cruel town. I liked boarding school. It made me a better person and my friends we're better than the people than the ones before. I missed my friends and England. Luckily they were flying over to visit soon. Also I could travel back to London when I wanted, seeing as their parents were nice enough to invite me to stay.

I remembered arriving last night. Mum and Dad had brought me a car and drove it to the airport for me earlier that day. It wasn't an amazing car, but it was good enough to get around in and I was thankful. It was better to drive around this town, rather than walk and see all the bad people I used to roll with.

As I thought about all the bad people I was associated with once. I noticed most of them was becoming a blur. All except one, Aiden Prescott. I could never forget him. He was my best friend and partner in crime. According to my parents he was a nice boy, just like I remembered. Then again they said nice, not good. Aiden had never been good. It wasn't surprising he hadn't changed. This town probably contributed into turning him into a criminal.

"Honey, are you awake?" My mum knocked softly on my door, separating me from my thoughts of him.

"Yeah.." I said softly. After hearing my reply she entered my room with a tray of food. Then placed the tray on my lap, after I sat up. "Thank you."

"It's okay." She smiled as I was about to dig in. "So, you thought about what you're going to do now you're back?"

"Well I was considering going to the library out of town." I replied, after finishing my mouthful.

"That sounds good. Have you thought about going to see Aiden maybe.." She trailed off.

I internally rolled my eyes at the thought. I knew she would keep pushing. It's not that I no longer liked Aiden. I just knew it would be hard to relate to him now, seeing as I was an entirely different person now.

"Do you really think that's a good idea? I mean i've changed and i'm a good person now. Should I really be associated with his type again?" I asked.

"I understand your point, but remember he was once your best friend. You done everything together. Don't push him to the side just because you've found other friends." She answered. "Now I have to go to work. I'll see you later."

"Bye." I replied and began to get ready for the day ahead. I thought about what my mum had said as I got in the shower. I should really go and see him. It would be un-fair to be back in town and not even go over for a tea. As I thought about it more I decided to go. What's the worst that could happen if I do?

I quickly washed myself and returned to my room to get dressed. I had picked out a pair of distressed boyfriend jeans, paired with a white short sleeved tee. Then matched them with black strappy heels and a thin bomber jacket. After getting dressed, I applied minimal make-up and put my hair into a tight sock bun.

Once I was ready and had enough courage to go over, I left my house and proceeded en_route to his. Since his home was only across the street, the walk was short. And seconds later from leaving I was knocking on his front door. As I waited I fiddled with my hands and my palms were getting sweaty. The anticipation was killing me.

"Hello...." A male voice said.

"Hi." I looked up and gave him a nervous smile.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was gorgeous. More muscular than I remembered. His hair obviously messy from just waking up. But it still looked neat in a way. It was still charcoal black, with highlights of a slightly lighter color than his own on top. His eye's shone out the most. They were green with golden specs dotted around his iris, they were beautiful. His chin was chiseled and looked like it had been made to perfection, An his lips seemed so soft. As I looked down, I noticed he was shirtless too. He was ripped, with six prominent abs in view. His biceps were also good to look at. It seemed as if he was at the gym everyday, from the look of him. I also noticed a scar just above his V-line and started to remember how he had earned it.

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